I have been practicing chiropractic in downtown San Francisco for almost 20 years now. During this time I have performed over 250,000 chiropractic adjustments and over 10,000 spinal decompression treatments. For some reason… and it’s a lot better now… the general public has the perception that the only solution for a herniated disc in the spine is back or neck surgery. I myself thought this when I first started practicing… but as time when on, I learned (from first hand experience) otherwise. What I found out is that the body can actually heal a herniated disc on it’s own with a little help from a chiropractor, spinal decompression therapy, physical therapy, medical doctor… or just all by itself.

If we were to pull 10 random people off the street and perform a cervical or lumbar MRI on their spines… 6 or 7 of them would have positive MRI findings for a bulging or herniated disc. And maybe only a few of them have any sort of back or neck pain.

What this means is many of us have herniated discs and we don’t even know it. We will live and die with them. And… many of us will have disc herniations that have repaired themselves naturally. In addition, when we look at an MRI of a patient with back or neck pain… we really don’t know for sure if the herniated or bulging disc is what’s causing the pain.

Read the full article here.


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