Chiropractic Care for injuries after a Car Accident

Chiropractic care after you have been injured in a car wreck might be your only option. Chiropractors are willing to work on a medical lien basis. A medical lien is an agreement that the chiropractor will not collect their bill until your personal injury case settles. Most Primary care doctors want to get their money up front for a auto accident case or they want you to pay out of pocket when you are treated. Most people simply cannot afford to do this, which makes chiropractic care a very affordable and good source to receive proper medical care for an auto related injury.

Chiropractors can treat a variety of injuries

Chiropractors can treat a variety of auto accident injuries. Many chiropractors are more experienced than medical doctors in treating auto related injuries. You might ask how can that be. If you were to go to the emergency room , a doctor is trained to get you out of life threatening danger. Most Accident related injuries are soft tissue damage. If you go to your primary care physician after an accident, he may do some X-rays, but more than likely he will just give you some prescriptions and tell you to take it easy for a few weeks, and if the pain persist to come back. This is not treating the injury that made you go to him in the first place. Taking pain killers and muscle relaxers has never cured any injury, it just helps you function better with the injury. A accident chiropractor actually treats your injury.

Chiropractic care for Accident injuries is safe and effective

Chiropractic care for auto related injures is safe and effective. Chiropractors treat the spine , back and neck to relieve pressure on the nerves and muscles. Chiropractic care with a series of adustments aid with pain management for whiplash, herniated discs and headaches. By adjusting your spine and re-aligning your neck and back, we relieve the pressure from your neck, head, and back. Proper alignment can also help boost the function of your immune and digestive systems by allowing your nerves to function correctly. Chiropractic Care is an effective treatment for minimizing the long-term effect of whiplash injuries when treated with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehab and other soft tissue rehab.

Read the full article here.


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