You've probably heard of chiropractors, but you may associate them with adults who have back problems or spinal issues. But recent studies have shown that chiropractic, the fastest-growing and second-largest primary health care profession in the United States, according to the International Chiropractic Association, could help some children manage bedwetting, also known as nighttime wetting.

In fact, results from a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (Elsevier Inc., 2005) found that one quarter of the 171 children in the study treated with chiropractic had a 50% reduction of wet nights.

Amy decided to take her 9-year-old son to a chiropractor after trying a multitude of coping methods. "We've only had a handful of dry nights in his life," she says. "We've tried various things, including biofeedback at a urologist, which helped a bit. One night out with the girls, someone mentioned going to a chiropractor. After my son's third chiropractic visit, he had a dry night."

Just like Amy, many parents are opting for an alternative, noninvasive and drug-free approach to managing nighttime wetting.

How It Works

According to Dr. ShaRhae A. Matousek of Matousek Chiropractic in Eden Prairie, MN, chiropractic can help the nerves that control the organs of the urinary system function better.

Dr. Matousek says, "Since your nerves affect every cell of your body, they influence organs such as the bladder. When a chiropractor restores normal motion in the spine, the nerves are able to function properly. Taking the stress away from the nerves allows the organs to function optimally."

Read the full article:"Bedwetting and Chiropractic


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