12 Ways to Prepare For a Detox Cleanse

A sad fact in today’s modern culture is that everyone’s body is toxic. More than 80,000 hazardous chemicals pollute the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, skin care we use, and household cleaning products we disinfect with. We are flooded with these contaminants and our bodies struggle to flush out the toxins. Maximizing health in the 21st century requires periodic cleansing cycles to help clear these toxins from our systems.

Researchers propose that the average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. Any one of these toxins may increase the risk of developing chronic illness and cancer.

12 Strategies to Get the Best Detox Cleanse Possible

Before you begin any cleansing fast or body detox to eliminate the contaminants you’re carrying, here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy.

1. Get Your Mind Right:
Preparing your mind is the first and one of the best things you can do before beginning a cleansing fast or detox. Cleanses can be difficult as they generate both mental and emotional triggers which can be challenging. Create a supportive environment by sharing your intentions with family and friends and approach the fast with peace of mind.

2. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats:
Eating a balanced diet loaded with healthy protein and fats is a great way to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid a spike in stress hormones during a detox. Prepare your body before a detox cleanse by eating such foods as grass-fed beef and butter, organic poultry and eggs, as well as olives and olive oil. Combining these fats and proteins with a variety of vegetables and herbs will set you up for a much more tolerable cleansing period.

Read the full list here.


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