5 Artificial Sweeteners & Flavor Enhancers That Increase Your Risk of Cancer

Due to our society’s love of sugar, scientists and manufacturers have been busy producing synthetic artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are designed to satisfy our taste for sugar without the added calories and dangerous effects of triglyceride formation and insulin response.

Examples of these sweeteners and flavor enhancers are acesulfame potassium, monosodium glutamate, sucralose, aspartame, and sodium benzoate. Unfortunately these substances − designed by man − metabolize into toxic compounds that cause metabolic dysfunction, disease, and cancer.

Natural sweeteners are minimally processed and offer at least some nutritional value to the body. These include stevia, lao han extract, coconut sugar, blackstrap molasses, yacon syrup, raw honey, and maple syrup. These natural sweeteners are far better than artificial sweeteners because processing depletes nutrients and increases health risks.

Artificial sweeteners are synthetically produced in a laboratory, or are sugars that have been highly processed. The following artificial sweeteners and food additives pose grave dangers to your health and increase cancerous activity.

Read the full list here.


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