Looking for a probiotic, but not sure what to look for in a probiotic? Here’s some advice from Reuters Health Watch and Consumer Reports on some probiotic basics as a natural health remedy for treating conditions such as bloating, excessive gas, gurgling, tummy aches and pains, diarrhea and unexplained weight gain resulting in belly fat.

According to a recent Reuters Health Watch, probiotics are becoming increasingly popular with health conscious consumers who are seeking a natural way to bring balance to their digestive tract. An important factor behind this balance lies in the types of bacteria you have in your digestive tract, which incidentally, can be controlled simply by eating some cultured food products such as special yogurts, or swallowing a probiotic pill.

One Common Health Symptom Tamed with a Probiotic

Last year, Consumer Reports reported that taking probiotics may prove beneficial for patients who are on antibiotics that not only kill off bad bacteria, but good bacteria as well which can lead to intestinal disturbances such as diarrhea. They stated that some clinical trials have shown that taking probiotics can reduce the risk of developing diarrhea or shorten its appearance while on antibiotics or when taking an acid-blocking drug such as Nexium or Prilosec. Acid-blocking drugs can change the gut’s environment and can thereby alter your gut bacteria populations.

Read the full report here.


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