Regular Chiropractic Care Helps Us Manage a Change in the Weather

Regular Chiropractic Care Helps Us Manage a Change in the Weather
Regardless of whether the weather outside is frightful or delightful, your body's internal forecast should resemble a steady state. In other words, ideally you'll be relatively immune from standard variations in temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation. But many of us are painfully aware of the frequent exceptions to this rule. Regular chiropractic care helps us counter vagaries in barometric pressure and other atmospheric and meteorological phenomena by detecting, analyzing, and correcting sources of nerve interference. When your nerve system is irritated by spinal biomechanical dysfunction, all sorts of symptoms and physical problems may ensue, including increased sensitivity to changes in weather patterns. By normalizing spinal biomechanics and helping restore optimal function to your nerve system, regular chiropractic care helps us steer a smooth and steady course through the often rough seas of local climate systems.
Read the full article here.


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