In theory, these rigorous standards are supposed to weed out “pseudoscience” from “legitimate” science, and in some cases they do. But there’s also a much darker side to the story. This is particularly true in the area of vaccine research, and it is rarely discussed in the mainstream. Truth be told, there has never been a single study conducted using the gold standard that compares the health outcomes of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. This is because depriving some children of vaccines, authorities claim, would amount to child abuse.
It’s the worst kind of circular reasoning. Untested vaccines can’t be tested using proper scientific standards because doing so would supposedly prevent some people from accessing the presumed benefits of the vaccines being tested. Yet this is where we’re currently at as a society, much to the detriment of our health and the health of our children.
The system failed to hold the vaccine industry accountable for this travesty. Increasingly more untested vaccines are being added to the childhood vaccine schedule all the time. All the while, rates of autism, obesity, and other chronic diseases continue to skyrocket. It’s a public health crisis that “We the People” must confront head-on. The worldwide Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Children’s Data (VanVCD) Survey is one way to do this.
Read the full report here.


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