Integrative Therapies Can Help Cancer Related-Fatigue

Integrative Therapies Can Help Cancer Related-Fatigue

Did you know fatigue is the most common side effect of cancer treatment? Research suggests that most people receiving cancer treatment experience some type of fatigue.

Fatigue is described as a physical and/or mental state of being tired and weak. Physical fatigue and mental fatigue are different, but they often exist together, which can make the experience even more challenging.

The causes of fatigue might stem from the cancer itself or the cancer treatments. Psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety or emotional distress, low red blood counts, surgery, stress, pain, lack of exercise, and sleep disruption are also contributing factors. If you are living with cancer, chances are you are struggling with fatigue, which can last even long after treatment ends.

Here are some signs of cancer-related fatigue according to the American Cancer Society:

• Prolonged, extreme tiredness after an activity

• Feeling weak, tired, weary, or exhausted even after sleeping

• Too tired to complete normal daily activities

• Not taking part in normal day-to-day activities

• Feeling frustrated, irritable, and upset about the fatigue and its effects

• Arms and legs feel heavy and hard to move

There are a number of different integrative therapies for which there is evidence to show they can improve cancer-related symptoms, including fatigue.

Read the full report and view a list of a few integrative therapies that may help cancer-related symptoms including fatigue here.


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