Gift For a Better Life

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Because you’re constantly reacting to the world, it’s easy to notice what is happening right around you. You respond to what you read in a letter from a friend, what you hear in a phone conversation, what you learn on the television evening news about what’s going on in other parts of the world. You are part of that world. You’re touched by everything that happens. Think of the WHOLE WORLD as made up of interrelating parts and you are one of those parts.

Plus, you are a WHOLE PERSON, made up of interrelating parts that are constantly affecting each other.

The Physical You (your body) – your tangible structure and the five senses that enable you to touch, see, hear, smell, and taste the world around you.

The Mental You (your thoughts) – your knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. Your analytical self.

The Emotional You (your feelings) – your range of emotions from fear and anger to love and joy.

The Spiritual You (your spirit) – your relationship with yourself, your creativity, and your life purpose. Your relationship with a Higher Power.

These four key aspects of who you are work together like members of a team. For the team to be effective, each member (each aspect of your WHOLE SELF) must have its needs met and must be able to work in harmony with the other team members. When one team member has a problem, the other members are touched. Your life gets out of balance.

Your awareness of the interacting of these key aspects of who you are is a powerful tool you can use to figure out what might work best to get things back into balance and harmony.

Read the entire article here.


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