Vitamin D Deficiency and Related Disorders

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Vitamin D deficiency can result from inadequate exposure to sunlight; malabsorption; accelerated catabolism from certain medications; and, in infants, the minimal amount of vitamin D found in breast milk. In children, vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets, which presents as bowing of the legs; in adults, it results in osteomalacia, which presents as a poorly mineralized skeletal matrix.

Signs and symptoms Vitamin D deficiency is often clinically silent.

Manifestations are as follows:

• Children are often found to have started walking late or prefer to sit down for prolonged periods

• Adults can experience chronic muscle aches and pains

Physical findings in severe vitamin D deficiency are as follows:

• In children, bowing in the legs

• In adults, periosteal bone pain, best detected with firm pressure on the sternum or tibia

Read the full report here.


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