@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutrition

Everyone knows what he or she "should" do to obtain good health. But the mere knowledge of what we should be doing is never enough. If we've not been in good shape for some time, if we can't remember the last time we did any meaningful exercise on a consistent basis, and if we've added more pounds over the years than we care to admit, then the task of getting back in shape seems an impossible mission. But like the Mission Impossible team in the fabled television series and the hugely successful film adaptations, we too can turn the task of regaining high levels of fitness into "mission possible".

The primary requirement for your personal restoration project is establishing a new mindset. No one wants to do what other people think they "should" do. Having your spouse tell you that you should lose weight or having your doctor tell you that you need to do more exercise is never pleasant. These admonitions never really work and only serve to create stressful encounters and interactions. Even though the people close to you have good intentions and want the best for you, they usually don't realize the willingness to change is never sourced from outside a person. The only way you're going to take on the time and effort of implementing new lifestyle activities is if you yourself choose to do so. Making the active choice to exercise and making the active choice to eat healthy foods will create the powerful difference by which you begin to actually accomplish the action steps necessary to change the quality and characteristics of your health and well-being.

Read the entire newsletter here.


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