Autonomic Dysfunction: Cause For Complex Illness

To be healthy you have to make sure the fundamentals concerning your health are taken care of (i.e. enough sleep, some exercise, quality food,etc.) Yet, you may be doing all the right things and still not be healthy. Often the reason for this situation is that your nervous system is not working efficiently for you; the organs, systems, and functions of your body are not being regulated and coordinated by your autonomic nervous system.

There are two branches to your autonomic, or unconscious, nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic, and they are distributed throughout your body.

The parasympathetic nervous system is like your brakes - it slows you down and relaxes you and it controls all your body functions that work in a relaxed state.

The sympathetic nervous system is like your gas it speeds you up and controls everything to do with your flight or fight response.

For you to be healthy, your body needs to normally function in a state where your parasympathetic nervous system has slightly more tone than your sympathetic nervous system. In that state your body regulates, coordinates, repairs, and maintains itself properly. In that state your body will have good absorption and elimination, you will sleep well and wake rested, you will feel relaxed and energetic, your muscles, bones, joints, hair, and nails will be strong and healthy, your cuts, strains, and injuries will heal readily. Athletes will be able to train intensely and frequently, recover quickly, and respond to exercise rapidly.

Read the full report here.


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