
What is the Difference Between a Herniated Disc and a Bulging Disc?

What is the Difference Between a Herniated Disc and a Bulging Disc? Your Killeen Chiropractor Explains

Your Killeen chiropractor has had many patients come into their office complaining of back pain and associating that pain with a “disc.” If you or someone you know has ever experienced back pain, you may have heard the term "slipped disc" used to describe the underlying problem. In reality, "slipped disc" is actually a misnomer. The discs between your spinal bones can become injured, but they don't truly "slip" out of place--the terms "bulge" or "herniation" are more accurate.

chiropractor in Killeen bulging disc spine model herniated disc

The bones of your spine are separated by supportive structures called intervertebral discs, which improve spinal mobility, allow space for spinal nerves to exit the spinal cord, and to act as shock absorbers. These discs are gelatinous on the inside (filled with a substance called the nucleus pulposus), and tougher on the outside (surrounded by a cartilaginous outer layer called the annulus fibrosis). 

Herniated Disc vs. Bulging Disc: What's The Difference?

While bulging disc and herniated disc are often used interchangeably, these terms actually describe two distinct problems within your spine anatomy:

  • Bulging Disc: the inner nucleus pulposus moves out of place (like a jelly donut being squished, but not enough for the jelly to come out)

  • Herniated Disc: the inner nucleus pulposus moves out of place and breaks through the outer annulus fibrosus (like a jelly donut being squished enough so that jelly leaks out)

In either case, these disc injuries can lead to pressure on surrounding muscles, spinal nerves, and other tissues. Symptoms (while not always present) are often similar, and may include back pain, muscle spasms, decreased activity tolerance, or pain in the hips, buttocks, or leg. Causative factors may include those that are less controllable (such as degenerative joint disease or accidents) and those that are more controllable (including being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle, or using poor body mechanics or posture).

Chiropractic Treatment With Your Killeen Chiropractor to Manage Disc Problems 

Chiropractic treatment goals focus not just on symptom relief, but also on the resolution of the underlying causes of a disc injury. To this end, our Killeen chiropractic team employs a variety of drug-free, non-invasive, and natural treatment techniques including chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, soft tissue mobilization, and postural re-education to reduce pain and inflammation, promote tissue healing, restore normal mobility, and relax and revive the nervous system.

Do You Have Back Pain From A Herniated Disc? Visit Our Chiropractor in Killeen Today 

If you believe you have back pain related to a spinal disc problem and are wondering if our chiropractor in Killeen can help you, call Isdale Chiropractic Clinic today. We look forward to working with you!


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