

Do those Aches & Pains Indicate Something Serious?

Identify aches and pains that could be serious

A headache is usually just a headache, not an aggressive brain tumor. But persistent or recurring pain could signal a more serious problem lurking within your body. (Know what symptoms warrant a trip to your doctor: Learn the 4 pains that you shouldn't ignore.

Your foot hurts

Secondary symptom: Mild pain in the back of your thigh

One hidden cause: Herniated lumbar disc

Diagnosis: Even if your back feels fine, pain in your foot can mean your sciatic nerve, which snakes from your lower back to your foot, is pinched by a herniated disc. It can be coupled with feelings of pins and needles in the leg.

Prevent it: Work your abs. Hunching puts your lower back at risk of wrenching. Strengthen your abs boosts your ability to maintain good posture.

Your calf hurts

Secondary symptom: Redness and swelling in the  area where you feel the pain

One hidden cause: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Diagnosis: As many as half a million Americans are diagnosed with DVT annually, but thousands of cases go unreported, especially among younger desk jockeys. "Since the pain is similar to a cramp, men write it off," says John Laird, M.D., medical director of the vascular center at the University of California at Davis.

Prevent it: Drink water. Keeping hydrated (8 ounces every 2 hours) during long sitting spells ensures healthy blood flow and prevents clotting, says Dr. Laird.

Your jaw hurts

Secondary symptom: Audible clicking sound when you open and close your mouth

One hidden cause: Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

Diagnosis: The key symptom of TMJ is acute jaw pain when you open your mouth.

Prevent it: Put your jaw in neutral. Instead of clenching your teeth when stress strikes, place your tongue behind your upper front teeth, as if you're going to say. Also, deep tissue massage relaxes associated neck tension.

Your mid-thigh hurts

Secondary symptom: Leg's skin color lightens when pain strikes

One hidden cause: Claudication, or acute cramping

Diagnosis: "The burning leg pain you feel from DVT occurs during sedentary periods. The pain from claudication is similar but only occurs when you're walking or exercising," says Dr. Laird. The pain is caused by arteries narrowing in your upper legs, cutting the amount of blood and oxygen that reaches your muscles.

Prevent it: Pop some pecans. A recent study in Nutrition Research found that eating a handful of vitamin E-packed pecans daily helps prevent arteries from narrowing.


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