

Pain in the neck and shoulders?

Do you suffer from tight and painful shoulders and neck? Do you always grab and try to massage the pain away? It is very important not to let it get worse. This is a sign of accumulated stress and stiffness in your muscles. Sometimes we wait for it to go away. The truth is, it will probably get so stiff and tight that the body stops telling you the pain is there, and you won't feel the pain anymore. The problem is, the next step is loss of mobility in your neck and upper back, and that will get you closer to degenerative arthritis with every day that passes. Call us today to make an appointment for an examination to determine exactly the cause of the stiffness and pain. Stop the pain with Kirossage®!

The Healing Power of Kirossage®

As a chiropractor, Dr. Ioan was trained in the location and correction of spinal vertebrae missalignments, known as subluxations, by administering adjustments. When he began his practice, he discovered that patients improved much faster when he combined the chiropractic adjustments with corrective deep tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy and therapeutic stretches. Over the years, he added his own unique techniques and named it Kirossage®.

The cumulative effects of Kirossage® are undeniable. Patients repeatedly report relief of muscle aches and pain, healthier joints, increased energy and alertness, enhanced recovery from injury and illness, a more positive outlook, improved circulation, restful sleep and finally, greater relaxation and inner peace. At it's best, Kirossage® has the potential to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually.

Therapy is based on a detailed examination of posture, range of motion, muscular abnormalities, and spinal missalignments. Based on the exam findings, the doctor can then adequately identify the cause of pain or discomfort and recommend the most effective approach to correcting the underlying problem.


Kirossage® is a comprehensive manual therapy that aims to achieve a TOTAL structural balance and optimal function of the human body's neurological, muscular and skeletal systems.

Benefits of Kirossage® treatment:

  • First and foremost, it provides pain relief.
  • Helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness.
  • Improves posture.
  • Fosters faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments.
  • Reduces the formation of excessive scar tissue.
  • Reduces muscle spasms.
  • Provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion.
  • Enhances athletic performance; treats injuries caused during sport or work.
  • Promotes deeper and easier breathing.
  • Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids.
  • Helps relieve tension related headaches and effects of eye-strain.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Rehabilitation post operative.
  • Rehabilitation after injury.
  • Helps relieve stress and aids relaxation.
  • Increases awareness of mind-body connection.
  • Creates body awareness.


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Review By Our Satisfied Patient

  • "I am a devoted fan of Kirossage! I first came for treatment of a specific injury, but quickly converted to regular visits as I always feel SO much better after treatment. I enjoy the chiropractic benefits without any bone cracking adjustments and have recommended Kirossage to all my friends. It is a pleasure to "share" the good news with anyone who will listen to me rattle on about the caring and supportive staff and what a difference Kirossage has made in my life.""
    -L.H.S., Playa Del Rey