

Antioxidants and fish oil

Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Health*Two of the best and yet simple ways to improve your overall health with supplements include*:

Increasing your intake of antioxidants ...
Increasing your intake of omega-3 oils ...
If you recall, antioxidants are your body's #1 way to neutralize free radicals, those harmful metabolic byproducts that damage cells and tissues throughout your body.

Scientific evidence has repeatedly demonstrated that antioxidants are a cornerstone in the promotion of heart health, immune system support, and memory support.* Antioxidants also appear to play a role in helping to slow your signs of aging.*

Although many foods contain antioxidants, today's poor-quality diets are nearly always insufficient in the full range of these beneficial free radical scavengers.* That's why I strongly recommend increasing your antioxidant intake as a valuable way to optimize your health.*

The Two Vital Fats That Are KEY to Your HealthI'm sure you've heard by now about two fats in omega-3 oils that are crucial to your health -- DHA and EPA*. These compounds are not only essential to maintaining your health -- scientific research indicates that they may also promote heart health and provide immune system and mood support.*

Now in a perfect world, you would be able to get all the omega-3s you need by eating fish. Unfortunately, studies show that eating fish can potentially expose you to a high degree of contamination with industrial pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons.

In fact, the FDA and EPA have put out health advisories warning against certain fish and shellfish consumption for young children, women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, and nursing mothers.

I formerly recommended that you take fish oil to enhance your intake of omega-3 fats. And high-quality fish oils are certainly great products, with many important health benefits.

But there are drawbacks.

Such oil is weak in antioxidant content. As you increase your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids by consuming fish oil, you actually increase your need for even more antioxidant protection.

Why? Well, fish oil is very perishable. Antioxidants are necessary to ensure that the fish oil doesn't oxidize and become rancid inside your body. As we just noted, oxidation leads to the formation of those unhealthy free radicals.

So, you need to consume additional antioxidants for your health in general, and for your increased need for antioxidants when using fish oil.



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