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Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder (TMD) Help from Your Burnsville Chiropractor

Does your jaw hurt when you yawn or chew gum? Do you have pain in front of your ear? These are just two symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder (TMD), which is common with many Burnsville, MN residents. Let’s explore this disorder and look into ways your chiropractor can help you find relief.

The temporomandibular joint is just in front of your ear and controls the movement of your jaw.

Common TMJ or TMD symptoms include:

  • Locking of the jaw or limited movement
  • Pain in your face, neck or shoulders
  • Clicking or grating when opening and closing your jaw
  • Headaches, earaches and dizziness
  • Hearing issues
  • Difficulty swallowing

Causes of TMD

The cause of TMD vary, but most fall into one of three categories:

  • Dislocated jaw or disc
  • Myofascial pain
  • A degenerative join disease like arthritis
  • Physical or emotional stress

Many whiplash sufferers also have TMD related headaches, which researchers believe to be due to the trauma to the jaw, neck and upper back.

Help for the pain of TMD

Your chiropractor will evaluate your condition and make recommendations for a course of care. Common recommendations include manipulation, special exercise, heat/ice and/or massage.  Studies show chiropractic manipulation provides relief and improvement in the treatment of TMD. Additionally, orofacial manipulation has also helped with headaches caused by TMD.

You may find additional relief from:

  • Soft diet
  • Side sleeping
  • Relaxing your facial muscles
  • Yawning with the support of your fist
  • Avoiding jaw clenching and grinding
  • Avoiding gum chewing

If you are having symptoms of TMD, see your chiropractor for an evaluation and recommendations for a course of action leading to pain-free days.


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