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Enjoying Fall and Avoiding Back Pain When Raking Leaves

Ah, Fall in Burnsville, MN! The cool breezes, the lovely colors on the trees, warm apple cider, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, and all the leaves! Once those pretty colors fall to the ground, they need to be raked. Your chiropractor wants to help you avoid injury with a few tips, so you can continue to enjoy the rest of the season.

Any kind of repetitive motion, like raking, can cause muscle pain. And, because this is a new exercise (well, since last year, anyway), your body is more prone to injury. When you start any new exercise, it is best to start slow and understand the best techniques.

Tips for Pain-Free Raking:

  • Warm-up with a quick walk to get your muscles moving. A few stretches are in order.
  • Consider your posture – Stand up straight and don’t bend-over.
  • Use both sides of your body and avoid twisting. Many people only rake from one side, which creates repetitive motion. Switch hands, so you will need to use your other side.
  • Choose the right rake. Look for ergonomic designs, which are engineered to help you use them properly.
  • Create small piles of leaves and bend your knees when pick them up.
  • Take a break every 15-20 minutes and stretch. It’s not a marathon, so it’s OK to do it leisurely.
  • Rake with the wind so the leaves move in the direction you need with less effort.
  • Choose the right shoes which support your feet and posture.
  • Your hands will thank you for wearing gloves to avoid blisters.
  • As with any exercise, drink plenty of water.
  • Experiencing soreness? Try icing it to reduce the inflammation.

If the soreness lasts for more than a few days, or if you have sharp pain, see your chiropractor for an evaluation.

Enjoy the Fall! It only comes once a year, and you don’t want to be stuck inside with an injury.


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