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New Year! Resolutions for a New You!

Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year when Burnsville residents are heading back to the gym in order to fulfill those New Year’s resolutions. It is a great time to recap the best of the resolutions we have found. Here’s to some inspirations for a new you!

Drink More Water

Last year we reminded you to drink more water. How did it go?

Extra water has many unexpected benefits including:

  • Healthier skin and shinier hair
  • Brightened eyes
  • Less fatigue
  • Decreased risk of infection
  • More regular bowel movements
  • Increased exercise performance
  • Lower blood pressure

Make your water bottle your new best friend. Your body will thank you!

Look Up

Is text neck giving you pains? If you are like most of us, you are looking at your phone or tablet for too many hours each day. The strain of your head may be giving you neck pain, shoulder pain or tingling in your extremities.

So, make a conscious effort to look up more. And hold your phone up higher, so you are not always looking down.

Exercise More

Yes, this is still on our list. Unfortunately, many of us live sedentary lives. We need to remind our muscles to move.

We found few great tips for getting started on a new exercise program in a recent article:

  1. Ease into the program
  2. Expect some soreness
  3. Keep motivated
  4. Try working out with a partner
  5. Have fun!

Fun is the key. One patient recently commented she wanted to embrace winter fun in Minnesota by trying a new winter sport. What will you try this year?

Resolutions You Can Keep

A few years ago, we posted a few simple ideas for resolutions you can actually keep. We’ve already discussed drinking more water and exercising more. We might suggest you also try -

  • Stop drinking soft drinks
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
  • Turn-off the screens 30 minutes before bed
  • Give back
  • Smile ☺️

The last one makes me most happy. The next time you come in for a chiropractic appointment, even if you are in pain, I will do my best to make you smile. Will you return the favor?

Here’s to a great 2019!


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