April Newsletter: Chiropractic Can Help You Stay Fit as You Age

Old man does push ups

Chiropractic Can Help You Stay Fit As You Age

It's no secret that an active lifestyle can help you stay healthier as you get older. In fact, vigorous exercise performed just 15 - 20 minutes per week decreased the risk of death by 16 - 40% in a research study published in the European Heart Journal. Luckily, chiropractic will help you keep your muscles and joints limber and ready for your favorite type of exercise.

Worried About Falls? Chiropractic Helps You Keep Your Balance

Good balance is important whether you're running, playing pickleball, or participating in a dance class. Even a walk around the neighborhood can become dangerous if you step on a rock and can't keep your balance.

As you get older, balance can be affected by weaker muscles and declining bone strength. Subluxations, misalignments in the vertebrae that make up your spine, can also cause balance problems. A subluxation can affect the mobility of your joints and increase tension in your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. If you have any of these issues, a slight wobble or misstep could turn into a nasty fall.

Many people have subluxations, but don't realize it. In fact, poor posture is a common cause of misalignments. It's easy to forget about posture basics whether you're walking, driving, or hurrying to finish a project at work. Over time, posture issues can pull your vertebrae out of alignment. Headaches, stiffness, tenderness, sore muscles and joints, or difficulty moving your joints easily may mean you have a subluxation.

Spinal manipulation, a key chiropractic treatment, corrects subluxation and may also improve your balance and the stability of your joints. During spinal manipulation, quick thrusts performed with the hands or an activator realign your vertebrae. Correcting subluxation eases pain, loosens muscles and tissues, and relieves pressure on nerves, in addition to improving your body's natural balance.

Concerned About Exercise Injuries? Chiropractic Can Lower Your Risk

Although exercise is important throughout your life, it comes with certain challenges as you get older. Tendons, ligaments, and tissues stiffen with age, increasing your risk of conditions ranging from sprains to knee injuries to Achilles tendon tears.

If your joints and tissues are tight, you're more likely to experience a workout-related injury. Spinal manipulation, massage, soft tissue mobilization, flexion-distraction, and other chiropractic treatments keep your tissues flexible and lower your risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries.

Improving Your Range of Motion with Chiropractic Offers Fitness Benefits

Subluxations and tight tissues prevent your joints from moving freely. As a result, your tennis or golf swing may suffer, or you may notice it's harder to perform yoga poses or extend your arms fully when swimming. Regular visits to the chiropractor help you avoid range of motion problems that can affect your performance and lead to injuries.

Chiropractic Eases Pain Before and After Exercise

When you're in pain, exercising is probably the last thing you want to do. Unfortunately, pain and stiffness are more likely to occur with exercise as you get older.

Chiropractic treatments relieve joint, muscle and tissue pain, making exercise more enjoyable. Visiting your chiropractor after a marathon, golf tournament, or busy weekend ensures that subluxations are corrected before they can cause muscle or joint pain.

In addition to realigning your spine and loosening tight tissues, chiropractic treatments trigger the release of endorphins and serotonin. These hormones naturally decrease pain and also enhance relaxation and your sense of well-being.

Are you ready to add chiropractic care to your exercise routine? Contact our office to schedule your appointment.


Oxford Academic: European Heart Journal: Vigorous Physical Activity, Incident Heart Disease, and Cancer: How Little Is Enough, 12/7/2022

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: The Role of Chiropractic Care in Older Adults, 2/21/12


WebMD: Chiropractic Care for Joint Problems: What to Know, 10/1/20


Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics: Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care to Improve Sensorimotor Function Associated With Falls Risk in Older People: A Randomized Controlled Trial, 5/16




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202 US HWY 85 STE#105
Buffalo, SD 57720

Phone: 605-375-3528

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136 Broadway St.
Central City, SD 57754

Phone: 605-717-0074

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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Before receiving chiropractic care I was unable to walk one block without hip and low back pain. Now I am able to walk 2 miles without pain since manual manipulation and back exercises. The most special part of my experience with Dr. Johnson was understanding why I have back pain. If you want to live pain free, then see Dr. Johnson."
    Karen Whitewood, SD
  • "The pain in my hip and low back put me at a stop. I couldn't work at all. My back greatly improved with adjustments. Chiropractic care took my pain away. The doctor offered kindness, friendship, and understanding. Not to worry, you will be well taken care of."
    Aldon Whitewood, SD Retired mechanic
  • "Due to arthritis in my neck I was having difficulty moving my neck and could not function. I even found it very difficult to drive my car. Currently at this time I have full mobility and I am proud to say that I am pain free. Dr Gunderson and staff are the best! I prefer a real solution and not pain killers. I feel like a new person... I have more energy, good sleep and my mood has greatly improved. Thank you!"
    Lynn Whitewood, SD Retired