

A healthy child is a well adjusted child

Start your child's first year with the chiropractic advantage. You should have your baby's spine checked at various stages of your child's development. Here are a few time frames that you should consider.

Immediately After Birth
The birthing process can be very traumatic on the baby. Think about all the pulling and torquing that the spine undergoes. By checking your baby's spine at birth, you can make sure that their spine is fully functioning and in normal position.

On Holding Up His or Her Head 
Generally a newborn's head is about half the baby's body length in cm plus 10 cm. Around one to two months old, your baby will discover how to hold his head up when he is placed on his tummy. He may even be able to turn his head from side to side. Think about the strain that is being put on those developing neck muscles. That's why the baby is still a little shaky.

When Able to Sit Alone
A baby can start to sit on their own as early as 4 months, or as late as 9 months. At either rate, checking the spine at this milestone makes sure that those developing back muscles are maturing properly. Most babies' heads will still fall backward when their upper bodies are pulled up to a sitting position.

When Starting to Crawl
A baby is now on the move and can get into all kinds of adventure. This can start as early as 6 months and as late as 11 months. We want to make sure all those little joints, muscles, and nerves are developing properly without any interference.

When Standing Alone
A baby can stand but he or she will need to gain muscle strength and coordination. Around 6 months your baby should be pulling themselves up or you can help him or her to stand up by gently pulling them up and then giving them support. At this stage, we are incorporating more use of ankle, hip and knee joints, as well as lower back and abdominal muscles. Make sure that everything is working at its optimal to ensure that by the first birthday your child is standing alone without any help from furniture or people.

On Taking His or Her First Steps
A baby can begin walking between 12 and 18 months. Walking opens up independence for the child.  If all things go well, a baby should be checked to make sure that everyday stress isn't causing any underlying issues to occur. Meanwhile, a child can definitelty hurt themselves learning to walk. Besides the potential risks of what they can touch, there is also the risk of falling from a bed or couch, or worse—a flight of stairs. If these things happen, it is important to let your chiropractor check for normal position of the spinal bones.

So why should you have your child's spine checked? Because you love your baby.


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  • "Dr. Nissa is the most educated, experienced and caring Chiropractor I know. I think one would be satisfied and pleased with the superb services rendered."
    Edna Waters - 11/07/2014 / Atlanta, GA