The Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment

The Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment

5 Benefits Of A Chiropractic Adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment is a non-invasive technique that chiropractors use to apply controlled forces to the spine. It offers various benefits and is an excellent option for pain relief if you suffer from an injury or condition. Below are the top five benefits of receiving chiropractic treatment from
Dr. Velin, Dr. Freudenthal, and Dr. Milbrandt at Robin Wellness Center in Robbinsdale, MN.

Headache Relief

One of the top benefits of chiropractic adjustments is that it offers headache relief by reducing the severity and frequency of tension headaches. A recent study has shown that 25% of individuals who receive chiropractic adjustments had a 90% drop in the recurrence of headaches.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Another benefit of chiropractic adjustment is it can help lower blood pressure. Some medical professionals prefer to use this type of treatment instead of medications due to the adverse side effects they have, such as nausea, fatigue, and dizziness.

Reduces Pain

Pain can leave adverse effects on our health and well-being, including limiting our range of motion and making it difficult to perform activities we love to do. With a chiropractic adjustment, the application of a sudden pressure to the spine can significantly reduce pain.

Improves Sleep

An effective way to improve your sleep is to visit a chiropractor. We can alleviate your discomfort, improve your energy and blood flow, and enhance your sense of well-being with an adjustment. This type of therapy is much safer than taking sleeping pills each night.

Lowers Stress

Unfortunately, stress is a common occurrence that makes it difficult for one to relax. However, you can lower your stress by receiving a chiropractic adjustment. It can help keep stress to a minimum, improve your health, and decrease the risk of developing other health problems.

Visit Robin Wellness Center for Chiropractic Treatment in Robbinsdale, MN

We at Robin Wellness Center specialize in many chiropractic treatments that specifically target the source of the pain. We make it our mission to provide the highest level of care to help you reach your full potential. Give us a call today at 763-746-1244 to schedule an appointment with one of chiropractors in Robbinsdale, Dr. Freudenthal, Dr. Velin, and Dr. Milbrandt.


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