Sports Injury

Sports Injury

Sports Injury Treatment

Sports injuries happen while participating in any sport. At Robin Wellness Center, our chiropractors understand an active lifestyle. We are here to evaluate and design personalized care plans after injuries occur. Our chiropractic team includes Dr. Freudenthal and Dr. Velin. We are here to assist you in your sports injury. We want to make sure you get back on the field as soon as possible!

Sports Injury Prevention

Knee strains, sprains, neck injuries, and other sports-related accidents happen among the youngest of athletes.

A chiropractor has a unique set of holistic approaches to diagnosis and to treat many sports injuries without invasive surgery. A chiropractic team also provides advice when preventing further strain and damage to the body.

Overuse is the most common sports-related injury. People and athletes who participate in sports that require repetitive movements such as volleyball, baseball, and swimming, use the same muscles and face injuries that are related to overuse.

Fatigue is also a significant factor in sports injury. It is good to know when your body is wearing out, and the technique is hard to retain. Overdoing it will lead to pain and strain.

Recognizing Signs of Injury Early

It is never a good idea to simply shrug off symptoms of minor sports injury. They are warning signs and should not go ignored. It can lead to more serious injuries. If you feel a strain, pain, or numbness while enjoying your favorite sport, consult a chiropractor before further participation.

Warming up and stretching is part of any good work out, sports or not. The process is an excellent way to find any unexpected soreness or pain. It is best for you and your muscles to check with a chiropractor before a sports season begins.

Call Robin Wellness Center Today!

Serving the Robbinsdale, MN area, we at Robin Wellness Center want to ensure you continue to enjoy the sports you love. Our chiropractic team includes Dr. Freudenthal and Dr. Velin. It is our mission to relieve your pain from sports injuries and help to prevent the next one. Give us a call today to see how we can help you get back on track and stay that way.


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Our Regular Schedule

Robin Wellness Center


8:00 am-11:30 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


10:00 am-2:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am



