Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Ergonomics To Avoid Work Injuries 

The key to preventing workplace injuries is to ensure your place of employment practices proper ergonomics. At Robin Wellness Center, our chiropractors, Dr. Freudenthal, and Dr. Velin can help you make your workplace safer. If you live in or around Robbinsdale, MN, visit us for chiropractic care and advice dealing with work ergonomics.

Optimizing The Office

Making your office space safe doesn't have to be complicated. A great place to start is with your office chair. An ergonomically designed chair is one you can sit in for as much of your workday as you need to without putting your body in an uncomfortable position. The chair must be adjusted so that when you sit in it your feet touch the floor. Sitting in a chair where your feet dangle is not recommended.

The height of your chair dictates where your computer monitor should be positioned. Once your chair is placed properly and you are sitting in it, reach for the screen. If you can touch it with your middle finger it's in the right position. If you can not reach the monitor, adjust your monitor until you can. This is the best way to avoid straining your neck.

It is just as important for your keyboard and mouse to be in the right place as it is for your chair and monitor. When using a keyboard and mouse, your elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle, though it can be lower if you find it more comfortable. Just make sure you never have to bend your elbows at more than a 90-degree angle.

Contact Robin Wellness Center in Robbinsdale, MN

If you have been working in an office that isn't ergonomically correct you may find yourself in need of a chiropractor. At Robin Wellness Center, Dr. Freudenthal and Dr. Velin treat several patients that have sustained work injuries through improper ergonomics. Call us today at 763-746-1244 to schedule a consultation with one of our chiropractors.


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Our Regular Schedule

Robin Wellness Center


8:00 am-11:30 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


10:00 am-2:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am



