Are You Ready For Summer? | Robbinsdale, MN Chiropractor

Are You Ready For Summer? | Robbinsdale, MN Chiropractor

Summer is finally here and in Minnesota, where it feels like winter lasts half the year, summertime means it’s time to get outside and get involved in more activities, as often as possible! Whether that be running the kids to little league practice, packing up for camping trips or getting out on the boat for some tubing or swimming, summer can create stress in our bodies and cause subluxations even when we are having fun! So what does this mean?

  1. More activity means more injuries!
    Simply sitting in a fold-up chair for a few hours at your child’s softball tournament over the weekend can cause subluxations. Meanwhile, your child slides into the base the wrong way, twists uncomfortably to try and hit a homerun, or has an aching arm from continuous pitching or throwing from base to base.

    The chiropractor can help with more than neck and back pain. The nervous system stems out to the extremities including both arms and legs, so adjusting the spine can help to release subluxations that may be causing pains and aches in the arms and legs, as well!

  1. Traveling is a pain!
    Traveling every weekend to head "Up North" includes sitting in uncomfortable or small spaces for longer periods of times, and often causing neck and back aches. And once you reach your destination, you more often than not sleep in a bed you aren’t familiar with, causing loss of sleep.

Here at the office we like to get adjusted before we leave for vacation and after we get back. Getting adjusted before leaving for vacation sets the tone for our bodies and keeps our spine in better shape, in turn helping our nervous system to stay strong and fight off germs we might come into contact with on the way. Getting adjusted after we get back, helps to reset our spine and nervous system so that we can get back to our routines and daily lives more easily.

  1. Allergies Galore!
    If you’ve been outside lately, like walking from your car to the grocery store, you might have seen the tornado of white cottonwood flying in the air. For many of us, our allergies go crazy in the summertime. The flowers are beautiful, but the pollen is not.

    Did you know Chiropractic can help with allergies? It makes sense, since our spine is connected to our nervous system and that system has a lot of affect on how our body responds to pollen in the air. Although, chiropractic may not take all of our allergy symptoms away, it can help to greatly decrease the allergic reactions our bodies tend to have!

It's important to maintain routine chiropractic visits in the summertime for yourself and your families! We know it can be difficult with the numerous activities and vacations we tend to schedule for ourselves, but it's important to take care of your health now, so that you don't suffer when you're traveling and you can enjoy your vacations when the time comes! 

Take advantage of our $49 offer for your first and second visits! Click here to request your appointment! 


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8:00 am-11:30 am



