How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions Long Term

How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions Long Term

41-45% of people in the United States make New Year's resolutions for themselves. Of that percentage only 8% actually hold to their resolutions and reach their goals. 

Why is that? 

Life gets in the way.

Other priorities (family, friends, work) take precedence over of our resolutions.

We get discouraged by a set back, and we give up!

So, how do we move past those set backs and achieve our goals?

Research shows it helps to follow these steps:

  1. Recognize what you need to change
  2. Establish a goal
    [Establish an achievable goal]​
  3. Begin a goal-directed activity
  4. Track your progress
  5. Reward yourself

Everyone that sets out to reach a certain goal has their own journey to follow, even if two people have the same or similar goal in mind. Some need to start small by simply cutting out soda and drinking more water, then slowly incorporating different dietary changes. While others start on a larger scale, eliminating all sugars, getting rid of processed and refined foods, and only sticking to whole foods altogether. 

Neither way is right nor wrong. 

Take your time!
Remind yourself often of what your goals are and how it will help to better you as an individual for yourself and your family. Keep track of your progress; recognize when you have made a move in the right direction no matter how big or small it might be! And be proud of those accomplishments!

And, lastly, don't be hard on yourself! 
Taking a step backward or a break towards your goals is not a failure. Forgive yourself, and keep moving forward.

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