Top 5 Chiropractic Myths

Top 5 Chiropractic Myths

Over the years a number of myths pertaining to chiropractic have been created, mostly by economic competitors and those with differing philosophies. While the majority of myths have no basis, they do exist and cause some confusion to individuals unfamiliar with chiropractic care. We are here to set the record straight!

  1. Chiropractic adjustments hurt!
    On the contrary, many patients feel instant relief immediately after their treatments. In fact, most look forward to their chiropractic treatments. In patients suffering from severe bouts of back or neck pain, some discomfort may be experienced for obvious reasons, however, for most patients this is not the case.
  2. Chiropractic care is expensive!
    Studies have indicated that chiropractic care can actually be more cost-effective than traditional medicine. Many insurance companies cover adjustments because they have statistically quantified the benefits of preventative care versus drugs and surgeries.
  3. Chiropractors only treat back pain!
    Chiropractors are very good at treating back and neck ailments, as well as other soft tissue disorders including conditions of the joints in the ankles, knees, shoulders, and hands. They have also had great success treating non-soft tissue conditions including migraine headaches and ear infections in children. Pregnant mothers seek chiropractic care for pain during pregnancy and many athletes utilize chiropractic treatment for sports injuries.
  4. Once you go to the Chiropractor you’ll always have to go!
    Recommending that individuals return for periodic spinal care is no stranger than your periodic trips to the dentist. Our spinal tissues undergo daily bombardment of stresses due to bad postural habits, sub-optimal work environments, psychological stress and hectic lifestyles to name a few. Periodic spinal checkups can minimize the likelihood of future recurrences or development of new problems. Chiropractic care tends to be a proactive form of health care, working to stop issues before they arise rather than act as a reactive form working to combat the problem afterwards.
  5. Adjustments can be dangerous!
    As with all healthcare there are certain risks every person undergoes. However, studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments are actually much safer than most common activities such as salon shampooing, break dancing and gazing at the stars. Chiropractic doctors generally pay less for malpractice insurance based on the risks in their field of healthcare than other types of doctors. Why? Lawsuits claiming injuries are less common with chiropractic doctors!


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