Organization for Success

Organization for Success

Organization For Success

“Organization isn’t about perfection it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall health”- Cristina Scalise

As you can all see Robin Wellness Center has gone through some BIG changes over the last year.  We went from remodeling our old space to changing our name to moving to a brand NEW space.  With our new space comes more offerings to our practice members to help you lead happier, healthier, more productive lives.  With all of this came A LOT of head work.  This could not have been done without great organization.  Everything from planning the space to scheduling contractors to training our staff on how to better serve you.  How does that translate to you as practice member that just wants to lead a healthier life?  The key is organization. Whether you are an organizational mastermind or very disorganized we could all learn a thing or two about organization and how it can help our overall health.

1. It can Reduce Stress and Depression.

Woman who describe their homes as cluttered or full of unfinished projects were more depressed, fatigued and had a higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than woman who felt their homes were “restful” and “restorative,” according to a study in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

2. It can Help you Eat Better

People who worked in a neat space for 10 minutes were twice as likely to choose an apple over a chocolate bar as those who worked in a messy office for the same amount of time, found a study in the journal of Psychological science.

3. It will help you Stick with Your Workouts

People who set short-term goals, have a plan, and record their progress are more likely to stick with an exercise program than those who show up to the gym and wing it, reports a study in the Journal of Obesity. The reason? Using these skills to be more organized about exercise makes you more aware of your progress, which motivates you to keep going especially when you don’t feel like it. Each week, write out your exercise plan and then note what you do on each day (get as detailed as you like about duration, weights, sets, reps, etc.)

4. It can Improve Relationships

Healthy Relationships with your partner and friends are key to warding off depression and disease, but a disorganized life can take a toll on these bonds. “For a couple, clutter can create tension and conflict,” Dr. Selhub says. “And the time you spend looking for missing items can also take away from the time you could be spending together.” A messy house also may prevent you from inviting people over. “Disorganization can lead to shame and embarrassment and actually create a physical and emotional boundary around you that prevents you from letting people in.”

5. It will Boost Your Productivity

Clutter is distracting, and research confirms that it can actually affect your ability to focus; Looking at too many things at once overloads your visual cortex and interferes with your brains ability to process information, the Journal of Neuroscience reports. Decluttering your desk will pay off at work, but the benefits don’t stop there. “Often, the greatest barrier to healthy habits is a lack of time,” Dr. Selhub says. “When you’re organized at work, you’re more productive and efficient, which means you’re able to finish at a reasonable time and go home. This leaves you with the time you need to exercise, prepare a healthy meal, relax and get more sleep.”

6. It can Help You Lose Weight

“Being organized enables you to be more mindful about what you are putting in your body,” Dr. Selhub says. Being healthy requires forethought, organization and preparation. When you’re organized, you’re more likely to plan your meals, stock up on nutritious foods and prep things like fruits and vegetables to make healthy eating more likely. “otherwise , people have no choice but to eat what’s readily available, like packaged and fast foods that lead to obesity,” Dr. Selhub says.

7. It will Help You Sleep Better

Less mess equals less stress, which naturally results in better sleep. But keeping your bedroom neat may benefit your slumber in other ways; People who make their beds every morning are 19 percent more likely to report regularly getting a good night’s rest, 75 percent of people said they got a better night’s sleep when their sheets were fresh and clean because they were physically more comfortable, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. A more organized life can help you make your bedroom a sanctuary for rest.

Credits: 1-7 from

Unfortunately we do not get things that we WANT, we get what we PREPARE and WORK for.  How many of you have made New Year’s Resolutions in the past only to have them fall flat?  Just because we want what those New Year’s Resolutions are does not mean we automatically will achieve them.  In many instances the missing element was organization and planning.  Work backwards!  List your goals.  Under each goal list the appropriate steps that will be needed to achieve that goal.  When you look at these steps, many of them need to be performed on a daily or weekly basis.  Make a schedule.  Schedule everything from your chiropractic appointments, your meals, your daily supplements, your exercise routines (what and when), your meditation, prayer, etc.  Put it all on paper and hold yourself accountable.  When we have a schedule that looks us in the face every day (post it in your bathroom on your mirror) it forces us to be more accountable.  Have a partner!  Someone who knows what you should be doing and when you should be doing it goes a long way.  Health is not given to us it is achieved.  It is not one dimensional and takes planning.  Plan for your success!

What tools do you use for better organization?
Comment below or email me at [email protected] 


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8:00 am-11:30 am



