Dr. Matt Has Been NAUGHTY!!!

Dr. Matt Has Been NAUGHTY!!!

Dr. Matt Has Been Naughty!

Well I have to admit it.  I’ve been naughty.  Not naughty as in writing on the walls like my son, leaving the toilet seat up (don’t ask my wife) or going 8,000 miles before my next oil change, but naughty in the fact that I have not been practicing what I preach.

  Let’s face it.  We all have busy lives.  When I came to this practice just two short years ago, I had a son only 3 weeks prior.  Between diaper changes, late nights and learning a whole new lifestyle, I also added running a business on top of everything.  Life became difficult.  I became busy and apparently too busy taking care of other things that I did not take care of myself.  Over the two years the pounds came on but that wasn’t the worst thing.  With the added pounds came new dress pants, new dress shirts, tight jeans and just overall feeling uncomfortable.  Outwardly I didn’t like what I saw and inwardly I didn’t like how I felt.  I also became quite ashamed because flat out I was not practicing what I preached.  If I tell our practice family, you guys, that we should eat well, move well and think well then I should be doing the same thing.  Don’t get me wrong I did not go off the deep end as far as bad habits go, but there was room for improvement.  I’ll leave it at that.

            Fast forward to present day.  We are embarking on a new mission in our office.  One to help people TRANSFORM not just their spines and nervous system, but their lifestyle.  It is called 8 Weeks to Wellness.  This program encompasses chiropractic, nutrition, personal training and massage all bundled together to work TOGETHER.  The first thing to do was to get my blood ran.  This is where I realized the REAL consequences to my “naughty” choices.  New pants, shirts and jeans are one thing but they alone obviously weren’t enough of a catalyst for change.  When my results came back I saw, even in my still fairly healthy state, I was headed down the road for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic inflammation.  ME!!  The healthcare expert!  All of the sudden it wasn’t about just me anymore.  I have a beautiful wife, a two year old son and another son on the way in April.  My choices were now going to affect them.  What type of a role model am I for my family?  More importantly, if I continue down the road I’m on how is that going to affect my interactions with my family?  Am I going to be that fun dad that is in the backyards with his son’s every day?  Am I going to be that fun grandfather that, while others can hardly get off the couch, is playing around on the floor with his grandchildren?  Even scarier and more serious, if I continue down this road will I make it to this point? 

            Everybody has their reasons for change and when it comes down to it they are almost never material in nature.  I found my “Why”?  What is yours?  Why do you want to change?  For some, why haven’t you decided to take the plunge and make a life change?  Everybody has heard the old adage “Life is a journey not a destination”.  What is your journey going to look like?  Are you going to look back with regret or pride?  The choice is yours, always remember that.  It is NEVER too late for a change. 

            If you are interested in the new happenings at Robin Wellness Center talk to myself or Dr. Ty and we can fill you in on the first steps to changing your journey.  Thank you all for coming with me on mine!

If you have had a similar realization on why you needed to make a change in your life please share in the comments below. 


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am



