Are You a Ticking Time Bomb?

Are You a Ticking Time Bomb?

Are you a ticking time bomb....

All of us know and have heard of the people that fell over dead out of nowhere. I am sorry to say it, but you have a 1 out of 4 chance of being one of these ticking time bombs walking around in the US. Did you know that the number 1 killer in the USA is heart disease1? It causes 1 in 4 of all deaths in the US.. Did you know that 80% of these deaths from cardiovascular disease is preventable2?

It is getting to the point in the U.S.  That we all need a sickness care doctor, i.e. your primary care doctor, and a wellness care doctor, i.e. US!  And the more you go to the wellness care doctor the less you’ll need the sickness care doctor.  So how do we, as your wellness doctors, measure your wellness?  You can’t simply say it’s when you feel good because we all know someone who felt fine one day and dropped dead the next of a heart attack; or the women who felt fine today but was diagnosed with breast cancer the next. Lack of symptoms or feeling good is no way to measure wellness!

There is good news we can detect many of these diseases  before they become a problem. One tool we use to measure wellness is by what we call your WELLNESS SCORE.  This is a scoring system that was developed and can track and measure your physiology and function.  It actually gives you a grade, A thru F.  We measure what we call biomarkers of health.  When we do a wellness score on you we look at numerous biomarkers of health.

One condition we commonly see with people that can be identified by your wellness score is metabolic syndrome.  If you have metabolic syndrome or these indicators you can be at an increased risk for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.  There are three markers specifically that we use to measure and help indicate if you have metabolic syndrome.

BODY MASS INDEX:  It’s a height and weight chart.  Yours needs to be below 30 and if it isn’t you have exponentially increased your risk factor for the 3 biggest killers of Americans, heart disease, cancer and obesity related conditions such as diabetes.

BLOOD PRESSURE:  This measures the force of the blood within your body against the artery walls.  Having too high of blood pressure (130/85) can leave you at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and damage to blood vessels throughout the body and organ systems.  Organs like your kidneys and eyes can be damaged with high blood pressure.

WAIST CIRCUMFERENCE:  Waist circumference is a measurement done by simply taking a tape measure and measuring the circumference of your abdomen at the level of the navel (belly button).  There are difference guidelines for both men and women.  For women, the waist circumference should be under 35 inches and for men under 40 inches.  Having a waist circumference leaves you at risk for metabolic syndrome and the conditions that are associated with that.

Along with these three biomarkers we also use a number of other markers to access your overall health and wellness.  Areas that get measured include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Full bloodwork panel
  • Core Strength and Flexibility
  • X-ray analysis
  • And many more…

This is just a samplings of what we measure with your wellness score. There is much more we learn from these reports like genetic disposition to disease. If you’ve never had a wellness score done it only cost $45 and could save your life. We do not make money on giving this to you. It is our way of protecting the health of this families in this community and educating families to make the right choices when it comes to their health. Please take advantage of this offer.

Schedule your wellness score exam at the front desk today or call 763-746-1244.




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