3 Key Tips to Master Posture

3 Key Tips to Master Posture

Did you know bad posture can cause headaches, neck pain, back pain, or shoulder pain? You might have! But did you know poor posture affects the body in far more ways than simply causing pain? You might think to yourself, “Sure, my posture isn’t great, but so what? I’m not dying!” The research differs because bad posture has been linked to a multitude of other areas of our health including issues with sleeping, digestion, breathing, heart function, balance and how your nervous system works! (WHOA!!)

Poor posture can have a great impact on our bodies including how we move, think and feel in our everyday lives! With technology becoming more prevalent in our daily tasks and work responsibilities, our posture is compromised by slouching at our desks all day, lounging in our couches and recliners, and spending so much time looking down at our computers, tablets, and cell phones. The technology epidemic has led to its own variety of poor posture termed Tech Neck or Text Neck which causes the head to shift forward and straightening of the natural neck curve leading. The loss of this normal curve often precipitates disc degeneration and the undesirable hunchback appearance.

So, what can you do to improve your posture? There are several things you can do at home and specialized work that can be done to improve your posture and get you on a track to better health! Here are three things you can do starting today:

  1. Stretch and Exercise:
    With poor posture, the muscles that attach to the spine become used to this improper position and become stretched or weakened resulting in further injury risk. Stretches to specific muscle groups that are shortened and exercises to build up weakened muscles will help stabilize the spine allow you to move better and improve your posture. Take a look at our YouTube videos (youtube hyperlink) for a few postural mobility and strength exercises that you can do at home!
  2. Workplace Ergonomics:
    By being aware of how you are sitting at work, you can greatly improve your posture. Check out our Workplace Ergonomics video (youtube hyperlink) to learn some quick tips on how to set up your workstation to eliminate unnecessary stress on your body while you’re on that 9-5 grind. Another helpful strategy is to use a standing desk or bring an exercise ball to work to use as your office chair. By using an exercise ball, you will increase movement throughout the spine hydrating the intervertebral discs and utilizing more core musculature which builds stability around the spine.
  3. Visit a Chiropractor!
    Over time your body adapts to the stressors it’s put under and the shape of your spine will change to match these adaptations. So, if you are continuously alternating being hunched over a desk all day and lounging in your favorite chair, your spine will shift to that hunched over posture. Your chiropractor can use specialized techniques to combat these poor postural habits to realign the spine back towards its normal position and improve your overall health!

By taking steps to improve your posture, you’re making the conscious decision to improve your overall health! Proper posture affects more than just the shape of your spine and it can have numerous benefits for your health!


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