Chiropractic Fixed My Headaches!

Chiropractic Fixed My Headaches!

When I began at Robin Wellness Center, Dr. Matt asked me questions regarding my headaches and one specific question I remember, “if you could do something to get rid of your headaches, would you?” and the easy response is, “absolutely!”

The Backstory:
For as long as I could remember my headaches happened at least once a week, from stress, from tension in my back and shoulders, from my poor posture sitting in front of a desk all day, staring and straining my eyes at a computer, not staying well hydrated. When my headache would eventually arise, my job didn’t make dealing with the pounding in my head any easier. I had a hard time concentrating and all I wanted to do was lie down and go to sleep until a headache went away.

The only solution I had at the time was to either sleep it off or take a couple Advil and hope that rectified my headache as fast as possible. Eventually, “sleeping it off” began making my headaches worse. So my only solution became 2 Advil, every time a headache began before it only got worse.

The Facts:
Not many people think taking a couple Advil here and there would be an issue, but even taking more than the recommended amount once and a while can lead to damage to the stomach lining and liver. So while you are concerned with healing the current problem at hand, the headache, later on, you might come into some bigger internal issues that you didn’t and wouldn’t have had before due to the excessive consumption of over-the-counter pain medicines.

I never assumed taking Advil or Ibuprofen was good for me, but when I started doing my own research and discovered how bad it could actually be for my body I knew I wanted to find another way to fix my headaches.

The Solution:
I began getting adjusted on a regular weekly basis in 2016. Because my headaches were sporadic I couldn’t notice an immediate change, but then a month went by and another and I realized my headaches had subsided. I could sit in front of a computer all day and my head wouldn’t be pounding. I am at a point now where I know if I have a headache it’s most likely caused by elements I am in control of like dehydration and I know I should drink more water.  

Not having routine headaches allows me to live my life without interruptions and focus with more clarity at work. I continue to get adjusted regularly so that I can continue living life at my full health potential!


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