Treating Sciatic Nerve pain with Chiropractic

Treating Sciatic Nerve pain with Chiropractic

Do you feel sharp pains that run down the side of your lower back, into your glute and down into your leg on one or both sides? This pain can be dull and achy, or come in sharp waves that can be unbearable at times and make it difficult to put weight on in order to walk or even get around? This pain can be constant or come on sporadically after sitting in one place or standing for too long.

If this sounds familiar to something you have felt or are currently feeling you might be experiencing sciatic nerve pain!

What causes sciatic nerve pain?

Sciatica is caused by sciatic nerve compression. A number of things can be causing this pain. Three of the main causes include piriformis syndrome, a lumbar (or lower) spinal subluxation (or misalignment), or a herniated or bulging disc.

Diagnosing Sciatica:

The first step in treating sciatica is determining what is causing the discomfort to begin with. That goes back to the three main different causes of sciatic nerve pain.

At Robin Wellness Center we can use a few different techniques to determine what is causing sciatica including x-rays, and orthopedic (physical) testing

Treating Sciatica:

Once the doctors have determined the cause, they are able to better treat the patient and work towards getting them out of pain.

At Robin Wellness Center we are able to combine spinal adjustments and flexion and distraction techniques to reduce compression of the discs and relieve tension on those nerves that may not be functioning as optimally and causing sciatic nerve pain.

We also have an on-staff personal trainer and gym that we able to utilize in order to coach and teach our patients at-home exercises that they can do on their own to continue relieving and reducing that pain.

The more often these practices and techniques are put in place, the better and faster the sciatic pain will subside.

Importance of Chiropractic Care:

At our office, we preach the importance of wellness care! The spine is connected to the nervous system, which is connected to the rest of the body. If the spine is not working optimally due to a subluxation, the nervous system could be experiencing a blockage causing issues such as… sciatic nerve pain.

In some cases, sciatic nerve pain may subside after one adjustment, but most often that is not the case! Continuing to see your chiropractor on a regular basis can continue to keep your nervous system working in prime condition and also help with avoiding other issues down the line!


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