
  • Chiropractic Benefits the Brain!
    Update research once again validates the assertion that Chiropractic adjustments influence the brain and central nervous system Read more
  • What Happens in the Vagus… Does Not Remain in the Vagus!
    The vagus nerve comprises one of the most important nerves in the body. The vagus nerve helps control and regulate important automatic functions such as heart rate, breathing, respiration, digestion, hormone control, and much more. The vagus nerve starts in the brainstem and branches down through the spine to vital organs such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, digestive tract, reproductive organs, and a host of others. Normal body function relies on the health of the vagus nerve and its ability to send, receive, and perceive nerve messages. Read more
  • Spinal Health and Car Alignment: Reduced Degeneration Occurs Through Spinal Adjustments
    Chiropractic prevents spinal degeneration much like good alignment reduces uneven wear and tear on car tires. Abnormal spinal movement mirrors altered car axle alignment. People generally understand the value of axel and wheel alignment as they contribute to strong, durable tires. Altered axle alignment increases uneven wear and tear on tires and compromises the strength, durability, and efficiency of the entire vehicle. A similar relationship exists within the body through spinal movement and alignment. Joints which lose their full range of motion begin to prematurely degenerate. Read more
  • RESEARCH: Feeding Problems, Sleep Issues, Excessive Crying, Infant Pain, and Neck Restrictions Improved with Chiropractic Care
    The most significant and lasting impact made on the spine and nervous system takes place in the stages of childhood and infancy when the spine undergoes the process of growing and taking shape. Read more
  • Pain Occurs in the Brain | Chiropractic influences the Brain and Minimizes Pain
    One of the most revolutionary and effective interventions focused on providing pain relief comes from experiencing a Chiropractic adjustment. Read more
  • Chiropractic Helps Lower Surgeries, Days in Hospital, and Drug Costs
    A short list of Chiropractic based improvements includes better mobility, agility, balance, coordination, immunity, brain health, breathing, sleeping, digestion, and pain relief. Read more
  • Improvement in Neck Curve, Increases Brain Blood Flow
    Abnormal spinal curves create cosmetic changes which affect appearance and posture but the most harmful result of losing curvature degrees comes from the damage done to nerve and blood flow. Loss of neck curve alone associates with decreased vertebral artery hemodynamics. This means a loss of appropriate neck curve reduces blood flow to specific parts of the brain and body. Read more
  • Adjustments Improve Mobility and Minimize the Degenerative Process
    The body wants to move and responds with improved function and performance when proper movements partners with other intelligent health choices. Chiropractic plays a significant role in the mobility and health of the body Read more
  • Is Sitting the New Smoking?
    “Sitting increased risk for diabetes, obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”- University of Missouri Research“Those who sat four or more hours a day were more likely to have developed heart Read more


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