
  • The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident
    Whether you’re driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can cause painful injuries that may impact you for months and years to come. The weight of your vehicle combined with your speed can create a tremendous amount of force. During an auto accident, that force gets transferred directly to your body! Even "low speed" collisions can create enough force to cause serious injuries. Read more
  • How to Recover from Whiplash After an Auto Accident
    Your spine is a long chain of bones, discs, muscles, and ligaments that extend from your skull down to your tailbone. The cervical spine – better known as your neck - is designed to support your head and protects the nerves that connect to your face, shoulders, and arms. Whiplash injuries can create damage to these delicate structures and can cause symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, stiffness, shoulder pain, numberless, and tingling / pain into the arms and hands. Read more
  • What You Need to Know About Delayed Pain After a Car Accident
    If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you may consider yourself lucky! Even if you feel okay after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it’s always a good idea to see a Chiropractor following an auto accident. With your adrenaline pumping in the aftermath, your brain may not immediately register the pain signals coming from your body. Often only after you’ve had some time to calm down do you notice you may be struggling with aches and pains. Read more
  • Whiplash: How These Injuries Can Cause Chronic Pain
    Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal', but times have changed. Doctors now know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not treated properly. During a car accident, the head often suddenly moves forward and backward with a tremendous amount of force. Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head. Read more
  • What Happens During a Visit to Our Practice?
    Most of the time, going to a new doctor isn't exactly what you would call a good time. You might actually call it a pain in the neck because it can be so stressful under the best of circumstances. In fact, you may just learn to live with your physical pain until it finally gets worse than the emotional toll of going to the doctor. If that sounds familiar… you're not alone, and you should know that our practice is different. We have a simple process that will help you find relief and see results quickly, without any unnecessary stress. Read more
  • Get Adjusted to STOP Degeneration Where it STARTS! | Robbinsdale, MN Chiropractor
    As the spine degenerates, the health and function of an individual will deteriorate as well. Chiropractors are devoted to stopping this degenerative process from progressing. Read more
  • Chiropractic Provides Life Altering Aare are for TMJ Sufferers
    Chiropractic care provides a missing link for many TMJ sufferers who desire relief without the use of powerful drugs and surgery. Read more
  • 2020 Vision: Chiropractic Care and Improved Vision
    Research simply proves a dynamic link between the spine, a Chiropractic adjustment, and vision capacity. Read more
  • Get Rid of Arthritic Pain Today with Chiropractic Care! | Robbinsdale MN Chiropractor
    Arthritis patients experienced greater results and relief through Chiropractic care more than any other utilized intervention Read more
  • Crawling Helps Develop Healthy Spine and Nervous System!
    Crawling represents an important developmental strategy which sets the tone for better function through nervous system balance. Read more


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Robin Wellness Center


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


10:00 am-2:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-11:30 am



