Chiropractic Care for Athletes

image of chiropractor working with a patient on an exercise ball

Chiropractic care and sports training go hand in hand. Many professional athletes have publicly shared that chiropractic adjustments are crucial before and after their athletic feats. NFL champion Emmit Smith likened a single football game to being in more than 30 car accidents. With this kind of impact on the body, athletes need the best healthcare possible. Smith and many other athletes, from golfers to track and field stars, partially attribute their success and career longevity to chiropractic care.

Injury Prevention

What happens when you add impact to spinal misalignment? Injury. Chiropractic doctors assess athletes’ bodies, identifying problems with joints, muscles and movement patterns. Between spinal adjustments and exercises to strengthen weak areas, chiropractors help athletes prevent many injuries.

Enhanced Performance

Many athletes claim that, not only does chiropractic care decrease injuries, but it even enhances their game. Chiropractic treatment improves flexibility and range of motion, which are important for peak performance in many sports. Heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield claims that visiting a chiropractor three times a week improves his performance in the ring, and that most boxers regularly visit chiropractors. Golfers also feel the difference in their swing.

Healing Injuries

Athletes frequently consult chiropractors about their injuries. Sports trainers in particular tend to send their athletes to chiropractors for low-back pain and musculoskeletal problems. Proper chiropractic care can decrease an injury’s severity and reduce pain. The athlete may recover faster than she or he would without chiropractic treatments, allowing a quicker return to the game.

Amateur Athletes

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to warrant chiropractic care for your sports injuries. Millions of people run marathons, race bikes or participate in golf and tennis tournaments without ever going pro. Over the course of their athletic lives, most will have at least a few strained muscles, jarred spines, torn ligaments and other painful consequences. If your injuries are lessening your joy in your sport and interfering with your training or goals, call our clinic so we can help get you back on the court, green or field.


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  • "Before using BAX3000 I had headaches, itchy eyes and cough. I couldn't go outside in spring and fall. I wasn't able to open the windows and enjoy fresh air.

    After the BAX3000, I feel great. My symptoms are gone. The windows are open and I can enjoy spring. It's wonderful! Also, I haven't taken an allergy pill since my 3rd session. I would highly recommend Dr. Warner and the BAX3000 to others who suffer from allergies."
    Jeanne Lay
  • "I decided to try the laser allergy treatments mainly because of my struggle with seasonal allergies. Being outside caused a lot of congestion, sneezing, and misery. Now, after completing my treatments, I'm excited to say that I can work outside all day with no problems! BAX-3000 also fixed my reaction to bee stings. After getting stung, I used to develop severe swelling. As a bee keeper, this swelling made it impossible, not to mention painful. After my laser treatments, I intentionally let myself get stung to see what my reaction would be. I was amazed! My severe reaction to bee stings is gone! Thank you BAX-3000!"
    Fred Tyler
  • "Before the treatment, I couldn't stand to have any doors or windows open during grass mowing. It could even be a neighbor mowing. I would almost instantly have congestion, red watery itchy eyes. I also had these problems with laundry soap and other things with fragrance. I also had trouble when anyone burned leaves or had campfires. After treatment, my symptoms are gone."
    Lisa Swafford
  • "After having my allergy treatments, eating food is no longer a problem. I had food allergies to many things, primarily wheat and corn, so it was difficult eating without a reaction beforehand. I have had not a single reaction now from eating. Sometimes, my throat would swell up and I couldn't breathe, so the difference is amazing. I had other allergies as well that contributed to me being sick very frequently. After the treatments, I don't get sick near as much as I used to."
    Krystyna Millhouse