Positive Affirmations

image of man using megaphone.
We function a lot like computers: Garbage in produces garbage out, while great stuff in produces great stuff out. We talk to ourselves far more than we talk to others. In fact, most experts agree that about 80 percent of all conversations we have are with ourselves. All too often, we talk to ourselves with anger, fear, belittlement, and negativity. "I knew there wouldn't be any parking," or "I knew that they were going to be mad at me," or "I am always depressed this time of year," or even "I just can't seem to do anything right," are examples of the kind of negative inner talk we play over and over again in our minds. We acknowledge our ability to manifest our inner thinking and yet the majority of our inner thinking is negative and demeaning.

This raises a very important point. If we are powerful enough to manifest our negative thoughts, why can't we also manifest our positive thoughts? The answer is that we can. In order to create positive thoughts instead of negative ones, we must decide in advance to be proactive and to discipline ourselves to take out the old mental program of negativity and immediately replace it with the new mental program of being positive and kind. I have found the best way to do this is through the use of affirmations.

Affirmations are positive self-talk designed to help you create the life of your dreams. Using affirmations on a daily basis is a simple step you can take to get what you want out of life and to reduce stress, fear, and depression. Making positive, affirmative statements to yourself will change your self-image, raise your self-esteem, and create an attitude of expectancy.

Here are some of the keys that allow you to maximize the power of your daily affirmations:

  • Affirmations should be written down. This allows you to crystallize your thoughts and gives you a reference to refer back to daily.
  • Affirmations should be in the first person and in the current time frame. They should always contain the word "I" and be in the "now" time frame, as they are the truth, told in advance. Remember the rule, "to become, act as if."
  • Affirmations are best done in the morning to start your day or in the evening before going to sleep. This helps to program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts.
  • Affirmations can be either memorized or read, and need to be said aloud with emotion. This is what is necessary to open the trap door between your educated and innate mind.

Let me share some possible affirmations with you to get you thinking properly about creating your own. Remember that you can and should create affirmations for all parts of your life. Affirm professionally, spiritually, financially, and in all other areas.

For example: "I am happy, I am healthy, and I am wise. My potential is unlimited and I am growing every day. I am a magnet that attracts all the good of the universe to me daily. I am committed to constant and never-ending personal improvement, and I take massive action steps to create the future, as I want it to be. I will do whatever it takes to become the winner I know I am."

Another example could be: "My beliefs create my reality! I choose robust health, abundant wealth, constant happiness and eternal love. I attract and positively influence the lives of people in my community. I think big thoughts, relish small pleasures and handle setbacks gracefully. I give thanks for the opportunity to serve humanity and I willingly accept the rewards being sent to me by an abundant universe. I am deeply grateful for all I create and receive. My life is now in total balance and I am a master!"


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  • "Before using BAX3000 I had headaches, itchy eyes and cough. I couldn't go outside in spring and fall. I wasn't able to open the windows and enjoy fresh air.

    After the BAX3000, I feel great. My symptoms are gone. The windows are open and I can enjoy spring. It's wonderful! Also, I haven't taken an allergy pill since my 3rd session. I would highly recommend Dr. Warner and the BAX3000 to others who suffer from allergies."
    Jeanne Lay
  • "I decided to try the laser allergy treatments mainly because of my struggle with seasonal allergies. Being outside caused a lot of congestion, sneezing, and misery. Now, after completing my treatments, I'm excited to say that I can work outside all day with no problems! BAX-3000 also fixed my reaction to bee stings. After getting stung, I used to develop severe swelling. As a bee keeper, this swelling made it impossible, not to mention painful. After my laser treatments, I intentionally let myself get stung to see what my reaction would be. I was amazed! My severe reaction to bee stings is gone! Thank you BAX-3000!"
    Fred Tyler
  • "Before the treatment, I couldn't stand to have any doors or windows open during grass mowing. It could even be a neighbor mowing. I would almost instantly have congestion, red watery itchy eyes. I also had these problems with laundry soap and other things with fragrance. I also had trouble when anyone burned leaves or had campfires. After treatment, my symptoms are gone."
    Lisa Swafford
  • "After having my allergy treatments, eating food is no longer a problem. I had food allergies to many things, primarily wheat and corn, so it was difficult eating without a reaction beforehand. I have had not a single reaction now from eating. Sometimes, my throat would swell up and I couldn't breathe, so the difference is amazing. I had other allergies as well that contributed to me being sick very frequently. After the treatments, I don't get sick near as much as I used to."
    Krystyna Millhouse