The Platonic Ideal

Plato's Ideas were perfect templates, of which everything we perceive are tangible representations. But the Ideas were not to be found in the world around us. Rather, they were conceptions of rational thought, transcendental objects of knowledge existing in a realm beyond our own. And yet, Plato's Ideas continue to be a source of inspiration and wonder, more than 2400 years after he first described them. These ethereal notions continue to function as critical guideposts, significant markers along our various life journeys, standing for ideal outcomes we are striving for and hope to achieve.

For example, we all have our own ideal image of what physical fitness is supposed to look like. These ideal images may vary from person to person, but each image ultimately derives from a Platonic Idea of physical human beauty, strength, and musculoskeletal proportion. Our conundrum, if we care about health, wellness, and fitness, is how we're going to go about achieving our ideal. As we proceed along our path to optimal physical fitness, it's very important to keep in mind that the Idea, as such, is not an actual part of our world. We will fail if we seek to achieve such perfection. A reasonable goal is to do what needs to be done and continue to do our best in all such endeavors.

A primary major access to physical fitness is starting and maintaining a healthy, nutritious diet. Such a diet involves making consistent choices from all of the five food groups, that is, fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy products. Each of us has our own specific preferences, and some of us may have specific requirements, such as being gluten-free or lactose-free, but the requirement for variety and obtaining the nutrition provided by each group remains the same for everyone. Importantly, international health agencies strongly recommend eating five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. In the United States, this recommendation has been termed, "Five to Stay Alive".

A healthy diet, maintained over months and years, provides across-the-board benefits for fitness and wellness. When combined with a program of regular vigorous exercise, healthy eating results in conversion of unneeded fat to lean muscle mass, weight loss, and an enhanced sense of well-being. Research consistently demonstrates that a healthy diet reduces the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.1 A healthy diet reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and obesity.2 Thus, a healthy diet not only helps us achieve our own representation of the Platonic Idea of physical fitness. A healthy diet helps us achieve our own demonstration of other important Platonic Ideas, those of happiness and harmony.3

1Koutsos A, et al: Apples and cardiovascular health--is the gut microbiota a core consideration? Nutrients 7(6):3959-3998, 2015
2Esposito K, et al: A journey into a Mediterranean diet and type 2 diabetes: a systematic review with meta-analyses. BMJ Open 2015 Aug 10;5(8):e008222. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008222
3Richard A, et al: Associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and psychological distress: results from a population-based study. BMC Psychiatry 2015 Oct 1;15(1):213. doi: 10.1186/s12888-015-0597-4


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  • "Before using BAX3000 I had headaches, itchy eyes and cough. I couldn't go outside in spring and fall. I wasn't able to open the windows and enjoy fresh air.

    After the BAX3000, I feel great. My symptoms are gone. The windows are open and I can enjoy spring. It's wonderful! Also, I haven't taken an allergy pill since my 3rd session. I would highly recommend Dr. Warner and the BAX3000 to others who suffer from allergies."
    Jeanne Lay
  • "I decided to try the laser allergy treatments mainly because of my struggle with seasonal allergies. Being outside caused a lot of congestion, sneezing, and misery. Now, after completing my treatments, I'm excited to say that I can work outside all day with no problems! BAX-3000 also fixed my reaction to bee stings. After getting stung, I used to develop severe swelling. As a bee keeper, this swelling made it impossible, not to mention painful. After my laser treatments, I intentionally let myself get stung to see what my reaction would be. I was amazed! My severe reaction to bee stings is gone! Thank you BAX-3000!"
    Fred Tyler
  • "Before the treatment, I couldn't stand to have any doors or windows open during grass mowing. It could even be a neighbor mowing. I would almost instantly have congestion, red watery itchy eyes. I also had these problems with laundry soap and other things with fragrance. I also had trouble when anyone burned leaves or had campfires. After treatment, my symptoms are gone."
    Lisa Swafford
  • "After having my allergy treatments, eating food is no longer a problem. I had food allergies to many things, primarily wheat and corn, so it was difficult eating without a reaction beforehand. I have had not a single reaction now from eating. Sometimes, my throat would swell up and I couldn't breathe, so the difference is amazing. I had other allergies as well that contributed to me being sick very frequently. After the treatments, I don't get sick near as much as I used to."
    Krystyna Millhouse