testimonial Chiropractor Bonita SpringsMid-September of this past year I began having serious heart palpitations. I felt nervous, anxious and jittery all the time. I kept expecting it to dissipate and go away, but instead it got worse and worse until, sitting at work one day, I was sure I was going to have either a heart attack or stroke.

I went to NCH’s walk in clinic. They hooked me up to the EKG machines and listened to my symptoms. They felt they did not have the proper equipment to fully diagnose me and advised that I should go straight to the ER as it could be a pulmonary embolism.

Upon arriving at the ER they of course drew blood and ran every test known to man. I was there a total of 7 hours to the tune of over $6000. Their conclusion? According to them I was “completely fine” and “just stressed out”. Ativan was prescribed and I was sent on my merry way still feeling the same as when I arrived.

Despite their medical opinions, I know my body. I knew something felt physically wrong.

In thinking about my past health history, I realized I had healed several other ailments over the years by consulting with Chiropractors who did Nutritional Response Therapy. I didn’t, however, know of anyone locally.

As luck would have it, in doing a Google search for “Nutritional Response Therapists near me” up popped Dr. Gendron and www.chiropractorbonitasprings.com. I called and made an appointment immediately.

I was a mess. I wasn’t sleeping or eating and any little tiny stress would take me from just feeling worn out and exhausted to so stressed I literally felt on the verge of a heart attack. I filled out the assessment in the office and scored a 63 which is incredibly high. Dr. Gendron also administered a diagnostic cardiac test. I scored so badly I nearly fell off the bottom of the chart with my heart reacting like I was in my mid 70’s rather than the 41 years I am.

With complete faith in the process and in Dr. Gendron, I began my road back to health through Nutritional Response Therapy. He put me on a strict healthy eating regimen and eliminated wheat and sugar which I was testing as sensitive to.  Along with that he custom tailored the Energetix cleanse, homeopathics and supplementation to fit what my body was lacking.

It was easy to follow, but I needed a LOT of detoxification. It took several weeks and lots of healing crisis’s. Slowly I began to feel human again. The palpitations slowed then stopped all together and I began to feel stronger and stronger.

I could not, for the life of me, figure out how I had gotten to such a dangerously toxic level. I have done cleanses over the past decade and kept myself very healthy overall.

As it turns out, in narrowing down the toxins and using some deductive reasoning in conjunction with Dr. Gendron, my dental work was the likely culprit. Old crowns which had metal alloy backings. I am severely allergic to nickel. It had been leaching into my system for 10+ years. It has now been replaced. My heart and body are strong again.

Had I not listened to my body and taken the advice of NCH and their medical staff I would still be wearing down my heart and other organs through continued metal toxicity, having massive chest pain and anxiety and be covering all of this with mood altering medication.

Instead I am back to feeling healthy.

I am immensely grateful and thankful for the process of Nutritional Response Therapy and for Dr. Gendron himself.


Sarah J. Barendse

This is just one of many testimonials of happy healthy satisfied clients. To learn more or schedule a consultation, we can be reached at 239-947-1177 or by going to our contact page and sending an email.


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