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Boost your metabolism with this

Happy 2018! Goodbye 2017 and goodbye to heavy holiday food and treats and hello to healthier choices! We all like to make New Year resolutions and one of the most common goals is eat healthier and shed those extra holiday pounds. As you know I love and use essential oils and my resolution for 2018 is learn more about doTERRA essential oils so I can incorporate them in my everyday life. As I learn more about the benefits and uses of each oil, I can’t help but want to share them with you! I thought January was the perfect month to learn a little more about a blend that I have already been using. 
Slim & Sassy Metabolic Blend is designed to help boost your metabolism and manage cravings and the warm herbal fragrance also helps to promote a positive uplifting mood. Let’s break down the individual oils so you can see all the benefits of this wonderful blend.
Cinnamon: Improves the body’s ability to cleanse toxins, reduce weight-related health risks, and helps the body adjust to reduce caloric intake
Ginger: Supports healthy gastrointestinal function and calms the stomach
Peppermint: Enhances a sense of fullness, helps calm appetite and manages hunger cravings, and supports digestive system function
Grapefruit: Helps calm appetite and elevates mood
Lemon: Helps calm appetite and is a natural antioxidant and detoxifier
How to use Slim & Sassy: Add 1-3 drops to water or tea and drink before working out for a refreshing boost, or before a meal to help control appetite and avoid overeating, or add a few drops to a healthy shake or smoothie.
I’ve added a bottle to our sample bar in the office so you can put a few drops in a bottle of water to try. Cheers and Happy New Year!