New Patient Information Forms

Metabolic Assessment Form





Please circle the appropriate number on all questions below. 0 as the least/never to 3 as the most/always.

Category I

Feeling that bowels do not empty completely
Lower abdominal pain relieved by passing stool or gas
Alternating constipation and diarrhea
Hard, dry, or small stool
Coated tongue or “fuzzy” debris on tongue
Pass large amount of foul-smelling gas
More than 3 bowel movements daily
Use laxatives frequently

Category II

Increasing frequency of food reactions
Unpredictable food reactions
Aches, pains, and swelling throughout the body
Unpredictable abdominal swelling
Frequent bloating and distention after eating

Category III

Intolerance to smells
Intolerance to jewelry
Intolerance to shampoo, lotion, detergents, etc
Multiple smell and chemical sensitivities
Constant skin outbreaks

Category IV

Excessive belching, burping, or bloating
Gas immediately following a meal
Offensive breath
Difficult bowel movements
Sense of fullness during and after meals
Difficulty digesting proteins and meats; undigested food found in stools

Category V

Stomach pain, burning, or aching 1-4 hours after eating
Use of antacids
Feel hungry an hour or two after eating
Heartburn when lying down or bending forward
Temporary relief by using antacids, food, milk, or carbonated beverages
Digestive problems subside with rest and relaxation
Heartburn due to spicy foods, chocolate, citrus, peppers, alcohol, and caffeine

Category VI

Difficulty digesting roughage and fiber
Indigestion and fullness last 2-4 hours after eating
Pain, tenderness, soreness on left side under rib cage
Excessive passage of gas
Nausea and/or vomiting
Stool undigested, foul smelling, mucus like, greasy, or poorly formed
Frequent loss of appetite

Category VII

Abdominal distention after consumption of fiber, starches, and sugar
Abdominal distention after certain probiotic or natural supplements
Decreased gastrointestinal motility, constipation
Increased gastrointestinal motility, diarrhea
Alternating constipation and diarrhea
Suspicion of nutritional malabsorption
Frequent use of antacid medication
Have you been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulosis/ Diverticulitis, or Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Category VIII

Greasy or high-fat foods cause distress
Lower bowel gas and/or bloating several hours after eating
Bitter metallic taste in mouth, especially in the morning
Burpy, fishy taste after consuming fish oils
Unexplained itchy skin
Yellowish cast to eyes
Stool color alternates from clay colored to normal brown
Reddened skin, especially palms
Dry or flaky skin and/or hair
History of gallbladder attacks or stones
Have you had your gallbladder removed?

Category IX

Acne and unhealthy skin
Excessive hair loss
Overall sense of bloating
Bodily swelling for no reason
Hormone imbalances
Weight gain
Poor bowel function
Excessively foul-smelling sweat

Category X

Crave sweets during the day
Irritable if meals are missed
Depend on coffee to keep going/get started
Get light-headed if meals are missed
Eating relieves fatigue
Feel shaky, jittery, or have tremors
Agitated, easily upset, nervous
Poor memory, forgetful between meals
Blurred vision
Category XI
Fatigue after meals
Crave sweets during the day
Eating sweets does not relieve cravings for sugar
Must have sweets after meals
Waist girth is equal or larger than hip girth
Frequent urination
Increased thirst and appetite
Difficulty losing weight

Category XII

Cannot stay asleep
Crave salt
Slow starter in the morning
Afternoon fatigue
Dizziness when standing up quickly
Afternoon headaches
Headaches with exertion or stress
Weak nails

Category XIII

Cannot fall asleep
Perspire easily
Under a high amount of stress
Weight gain when under stress
Wake up tired even after 6 or more hours of sleep
Excessive perspiration or perspiration with little or no activity

Category XIV

Edema and swelling in ankles and wrists
Muscle cramping
Poor muscle endurance
Frequent urination
Frequent thirst
Crave salt
Abnormal sweating from minimal activity
Alteration in bowel regularity
Inability to hold breath for long periods
Shallow, rapid breathing

Category XV

Feel cold―hands, feet, all over
Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly
Increase in weight even with low-calorie diet
Gain weight easily
Difficult, infrequent bowel movements
Depression/lack of motivation
Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
Outer third of eyebrow thins
Thinning of hair on scalp, face, or genitals, or excessive hair loss
Dryness of skin and/or scalp
Mental sluggishness

Category XVI

Heart palpitations
Inward trembling
Increased pulse even at rest
Nervous and emotional

Category XVI (Cont.)

Night sweats
Difficulty gaining weight

Category XVII (Males Only)

Urination difficulty or dribbling
Frequent urination
Pain inside of legs or heels
Feeling of incomplete bowel emptying
Leg twitching at night

Category XVIII (Males Only)

Decreased libido
Decreased number of spontaneous morning erections
Decreased fullness of erections
Difficulty maintaining morning erections
Spells of mental fatigue
Inability to concentrate
Episodes of depression
Muscle soreness
Decreased physical stamina
Unexplained weight gain
Increase in fat distribution around chest and hips
Sweating attacks
More emotional than in the past

Category XIX (Menstruating Females Only)

Alternating menstrual cycle lengths
Extended menstrual cycle (greater than 32 days)
Shortened menstrual cycle (less than 24 days)
Pain and cramping during periods
Scanty blood flow
Heavy blood flow
Breast pain and swelling during menses
Pelvic pain during menses
Irritable and depressed during menses
Facial hair growth
Hair loss/thinning

Category XX (Menopausal Females Only)

Since menopause, do you ever have uterine bleeding?
Hot flashes
Mental fogginess
Disinterest in sex
Mood swings
Painful intercourse
Shrinking breasts
Facial hair growth
Increased vaginal pain, dryness, or itching





Brain Region Localization Form


The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify difficulties

that you may be experiencing. Please answer every

question, do not skip any questions. Follow the 0 to 4 key,

and select which best fits for all of your answers.


0 = I never have symptoms (0% of the time)

1 = I rarely have symptoms (Less than 25% of the time)

2 = I often have symptoms (Half of the time)

3 = I frequently have symptoms (75% of the time)

4 = I always have symptoms (100% of the time)

Frontal lobe Prefrontal, Dorsolateral and Orbitofrontal (Areas 9, 10, 11, and 12)

Difficulty with restraint and controlling impulses or desires
Emotional instability (lability)
Difficulty planning and organizing
Difficulty making decisions
Lack of motivation, enthusiasm, interest and drive (apathetic)
Difficulty getting a sound or melody out of your thoughts (Perseveration)
Constantly repeat events or thoughts with difficulty letting go
Difficulty initiating and finishing tasks
Episodes of depression
Mental fatigue
Decrease in attention span
Difficulty staying focused and concentrating for extended periods of time
Difficulty with creativity, imagination, and intuition
Difficulty in appreciating art and music
Difficulty with analytical thought
Difficulty with math, number skills and time consciousness
Difficulty taking ideas, actions, and words and putting them in a linear sequence

Frontal Lobe Precentral and Supplementary Motor Areas (Area 4 and 6)

Initiating movements with your arm or leg has become more difficult
Feeling of arm or leg heaviness, especially when tired
Increased muscle tightness in your arm or leg
Reduced muscle endurance in your arm or leg
Noticeable difference in your muscle function or strength from one side to the other
Noticeable difference in your muscle tightness from one side to the other

Frontal Lobe Broca’s Motor Speech Area (Area 44 and 45)

Difficulty producing words verbally, especially when fatigued
Find the actual act of speaking difficult at times
Notice word pronunciation and speaking fluency change at times

Parietal Somatosensory Area and Parietal Superior Lobule (Areas 3,1,2 and 7)

Difficulty in perception of position of limbs
Difficulty with spatial awareness when moving, laying back in a chair, or leaning against a wall
Frequently bumping body or limbs into the wall or objects accidently
Reoccurring injury in the same body part or side of the body
Hypersensitivities to touch or pain perception

Parietal Inferior Lobule (Area 39 and 40)

Right/left confusion
Difficulty with math calculations
Difficulty finding words
Difficulty with writing
Difficulty recognizing symbols or shapes
Difficulty with simple drawings
Difficulty interpreting maps

Temporal Lobe Auditory Cortex (Areas 41, 42)

Reduced function in overall hearing
Difficulty interpreting speech with background or scatter noise
Difficulty comprehending language without perfect pronunciation
Need to look at someone’s mouth when they are speaking to understand what they are saying
Difficulty in localizing sound
Dislike of left predictable rhythmic, repeated tempo and beat music
Dislike of non-predictable rhythmic with multiple instruments
. Noticeable ear preference when using your phone

Temporal Lobe Auditory Association Cortex (Area 22)

Difficulty comprehending meaning of spoken word
Tend toward monotone speech without fluctuations or emotions

Medial Temporal lobe and Hippocampus

Memory less efficient
Memory loss that impacts daily activities
Confusion about dates, the passage of time, or place
Difficulty remembering events
Misplacement of things and difficulty retracing steps
Difficulty with memory of locations (addresses)
Difficulty with visual memory
Always forgetting where you put items such as keys, wallet, phone, etc.
Difficulty remembering faces
Difficulty remembering names with faces
Difficulty with remembering words
Difficulty remembering numbers
Difficulty remembering to stay or be on time

Occipital Lobe (Area, 17, 18, and 19)

Difficulty in discriminating similar shades of color
Dullness of colors in visual field
Difficulty coordinating visual inputs and hand movements, resulting in an inability to efficiently reach out for objects
Floater or halos in visual field

Cerebellum - Spinocerebellum

Difficulty with balance, or balance that is worse on one side
A need to hold the handrail or watch each step carefully when going down stairs
Feeling unsteady and prone to falling in the dark
Proness to sway to one side when walking or standing

Cerebellum - Cerebrocerebellum

Recent clumsiness in hands
Recent clumsiness in feet or frequent tripping
A slight hand shake when reaching for something at the end of movement

Cerebellum - Vestibulocerebellum

Episodes of dizziness or disorientation
Back muscles that tire quickly when standing or walking
Chronic neck or back muscle tightness
Nausea, car sickness, or sea sickness
Feeling of disorientation or shifting of the environment
Crowded places cause anxiety

Basal Ganglia Direct Pathway

Slowness in movements
Stiffness in your muscles (not joints) that goes away when you move
Cramping of hands when writing
A stooped posture when walking
Voice has become softer
Facial expression changed leading people to frequently ask if you are upset or angry

Basal Ganglia Indirect Pathway

Uncontrollable muscle movements
Intense need to clear your throat regularly or contract a group of muscles
Obsessive compulsive tendencies
Constant nervousness and restless mind

Autonomic Reduced Parasympathetic Activity

Dry mouth or eyes
Difficulty swallowing supplements or large bites of food
Slow bowel movements and tendency for constipation
Chronic digestive complaints
Bowel or bladder incontinence resulting in staining your underwear

Autonomic Increased Sympathetic Activity

Tendency for anxiety
Easily startled
Difficulty relaxing
Sensitive to bright or flashing lights
Episodes of racing heart
Difficulty sleeping

Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI).

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule




8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm







1327 Superior St Suite 103
Sandpoint,ID 83864