130 Interlachen Road Suite D

Melbourne, FL 32940 US


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Does your time matter?

Hello every one,                                           blog_photo.jpg

As you may have guessed our opening has been delayed due to construction. We are trying to keep busy preparing so when we get our C of O we are sure to be able to serve all your needs day one.

Waiting for this construction to take it's course has reminded me that no one holds our time in our best interest except ourselves. The older you get the more opportunity we have to look back and say, if I only had my twenties back! Boy what I could do with that time! I know I have. I guess the thing I most wish I had with that time was better understanding of what my actions would do to my helath / body down the road.

When we are in our youth we all have that sense of "I can do anything now, because by the time it wears out 'they' will have found a way to replace it"! Now I know most of you have used this excuse, alot of smokers hang on this thought, I know, I was one of them!

But even the body parts the medical profession have been able to replicate or borrow come with risk and are not always an option. A lot of these risks we face, such as shoulder, hip and knee surgeries, we have a chance of lowering the need for surgery. If we start caring for our spinal health, and use our time wisely, we would include spinal checkups. A titlted pelvis or subluxations in the spine can cause us to favor a leg or arm causing the other to do more work and the body becoming literally off balance. This causes unneeded wear and tear on our joints which can then trigger many other discomforts.

Your spine is a body part you probably don't even think about caring for until it hurts, and even then we cover up the warnings with pain killers, buying time... but for what? Yes the pain can go away but each time we move the spine enough to cause pain or discomfort and do not take the time to move it back, is one more day we are closer to " my back just gave out" or "my arm goes numb" or even "my headaches seem constant". If we take the time to push back the small deviations we cause in our everyday lives we can save alot more time for fun!! Or waiting on construction guys!! LOL.

Sign up using the form below or call 321-622-6778 to make an appointment.

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am to 12:30 pm

2:15 pm to 5:00 pm


3:00 pm

7:00 pm


9:00 am to 12:30 pm

2:15 pm to 5:00 pm





9:00 am to 1:00 pm








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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "Dr. Gray and I would like to extend our appreciation to all of our wonderful patients for your referrals and for those of you who feel compelled to share your stories on how we have been able to help you. Sometimes the most powerful help you can be to someone is to share your story. The first step to healing is walking through the right door! Please know that we strive everyday to do our very best to help you, your friends and loved ones."
    Sincerely, Tricia Gray

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