"Move Well. Move Often."

I can't take credit for this quote, but I learned about the guy that came up with it around the time I was in chiropractic school.  I have incredible respect and gratitude for all he has done and continues to do for the world!

His SFMA program is one of my certifications from years ago that I mentioned in my last post.  I bring it up because it hasn't changed.  It is still his mission statement, and it is still a great rule to live by for the rest of us:

"Move Well.  Move Often." - Gray Cook

What does it mean to move well though?  He has come up with some pretty technical measurements that are brilliant.  He measures in his functional movement screening protocol the following (this is different than the clinical assessment for doctors, selective functional movement assessment):

"(1) “Deep squat”; (2) “Hurdle step”; (3) “In-line lunge”; (4) “Shoulder mobility”; (5) “Active straight-leg raise”; (6) “Trunk stability push-up”; And (7) “Rotary stability”." 

Click on the quote above to read the research article this came from, and you might be a bit discouraged though.  Basically, young competitive soccer players proved to be pretty deficient in a number of these tests.

My point isn't to bring you down, but to let you know this is incredibly powerful information to work with AND there are simple ways to achieve proficiency in these movements (Move Well) and to live the best life you can live (Moving Often).

In my practice I don't take clients through these tests anymore, BUT I do take clients having difficulty sitting and standing from a chair to a pretty good looking deep squat (along with other movements).  

It does take some time;  

It does take some effort; and

It does take some willingness to have fun and laugh a little along the way! :)

I'm happy to say that with this concept and a number of other great concepts I have learned along the way and incorporated into practice there has been some truly incredible moving going on.  And yes! you will feel like Superman along the way.

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