0508597001559600621.jpgAll athletes want to run faster, jump higher and become stronger. During the teenage years, an athlete should be realizing much of their potential. Insuring the proper function of the musculoskeletal system is a primary factor in a youth achieving their maximum potential. Young athletes receive yearly physicals to ensure that their heart and organ systems are healthy but these examinations do not include tests related to spinal function and muscle balance and strength. Nowadays, even young teens participate in rigorous off-season conditioning programs. Unfortunately for some, these programs can create or aggravate preexisting problems in the musculoskeletal system and kinetic chain. Strength training coaches usually notice major imbalances in their trainees and are sometimes able to assign specific corrective exercises to correct the problem. However, when spinal and extremity joints have lost their normal alignment and range of motion, even the best-designed exercise program may fail to improve the situation These misalignments or subluxations of the spine can result in weaknesses and imbalances not just in the spine but in distant muscle groups. How would you know if your young athlete’s potential is being undermined by subluxations in the spine or extremities? Since subluxations are often painless and not handled in medical offices, a chiropractic exam would be necessary. D.C.’s are experts in detecting and correcting subluxations. When dealing with athletic related issues, it is wise to seek a D.C. with advanced training in the field. Dr. Ken Smith at Back in Motion Chiropractic and acupuncture has obtained extensive post-graduate training in sports medicine. He became a certified Chiropractic Sports Physician in 1992. He received the valued CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) in 2006. According to a spokesman at the NSCA the CSCS certification “helps to bridge the gap in communication when working with strength coaches” In 2007 Dr. Smith received a M.S. in Sports Medicine from USSA. To satisfy internship requirements, Dr.Smith assisted with training programs for high schoolers with several Baldwin County area strength coaches.

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Back in Motion Chiropractic & Acupuncture