

When we are young and in school, we are constantly stretching and exercising our minds. It is common in adulthood, to complete the same daily tasks as part of our routine. How can we stretch ourselves and continue to establish strong neural connections in the brain? We need to continue to read, learn, and discover! This could be by completing a crossword puzzle this week, or by playing brain games! You could try a subscription to lumocity.com, which offers a variety of games to stretch and strengthen your memory, reaction time, and ability to concentrate. Another simple way to stretch the brain is to vary your reading choices regularly. 

As children, we have a natural desire to explore and discover. As we get older it is still incredibly important to keep that desire alive. Of course you can travel to awaken your sense of discovery, but you can also exercise that muscle by trying new activities at home. Take a knitting class, join a french club, or learn the art of fly fishing. Keep it fresh and interesting!



We would like to consider sleep, diet, movement, and lifestyle habits as components of balance in the body. After a poor night's sleep, you feel tired and out of balance the next day. The same is true after a day of poor dietary choices. When you eat a diet that is rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, you feel great! Of course the opposite is true as well. Dr P's protocol will help to create harmonious balance in the body. When you follow a healthy diet and you find time to move and exercise during the day, your quality of sleep improves. Honor your body by nourishing it with healthy food and lifestyle choices, regular movement, and adequate sleep.


These relationships include those with your spouse, family, friends, as well as with those in service. The human connection is incredibly important in finding balance and happiness. We know that it is important to spend time with the ones that we love, so let's focus on the element of spending time in service for others. With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community. The right match can help you to reduce stress, find friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Volunteering can also help protect your mental and physical health. 


I'm sure that many of you know understand what it feels like to be out of a work/life balance. It is so easy work yourself to the bone when pressed up against a deadline or for career advancement. It can be difficult to give all you've got at work and still make it home with energy left for your family. Here are a few helpful tips in establishing a strong work/life balance:

1. Build downtime into your schedule.
We schedule everything in our work day, why not schedule in time for yourself as well? You have an 11:30am mandatory meeting. Perhaps you can schedule in 15 minutes at 11am for a guided meditation that you complete in an empty conference room, or your car.  If downtime is marked on your calendar and treated as an appointment, you will me more likely to take that time. When you take regular breaks, you will also likely find that you are more productive during your working hours.

Another suggestion is to set a timer on your phone and schedule a 5 minute break every hour. Perform focused work for 55 minutes, and then take 5 minutes to give your brain a breather. Take a walk around the block, stretch, meditate etc.  When you are in work mode, stay in work mode. When you are in downtime mode, relish that time as well. Studies have shown that working in this style helps increase productivity. 

2. Drop the activities that sap your time and energy.
If you find yourself regularly engaging with a gossiping coworker, limit your time with that person. When you feel them drifting into gossip, steer the conversation back to work, and then gracefully exit and go back to your desk. Have you made a monthly commitment to a book club that isn't fulfilling? Cut it out and feel good about your decision to put yourself first. The point is, your time and energy are valuable. Respect yourself by cutting out toxic/draining activities or people in your live. 

3. Rethink your errands.
Do you feel like your weekends are packed with trips to the grocery store, laundry, mowing the lawn etc? All of a sudden, your weekend has flown by and you don't feel rested or ready to take on the next week. Could you group all of your errands into one trip, and knock them out in an afternoon? Could you order your groceries online and have them delivered? How about paying the kid down the street to mow your lawn, or when you are cooking on Sunday night, make a couple of extra meals to stick in the freezer for later in the week. Thinking of creative ways to be efficient will free you up to spend more time enjoying your family and friends. 

4. Exercise.
When you're busy, exercise may be the first thing dropped from your schedule. Try to fight against this!  Regular exercise will make you feel more alert, improve your ability to concentrate, and will keep you energized throughout the day. This allows you to be more productive. Plus, you just feel better when you move your body. 
Regular exercise can help curb feelings of anxiety and depression. When you exercise, your brain releases serotonin that helps you feel better, improving your state of mind, and making the stresses of work easier to handle.

Spiritual Health

This can include meditation, prayer, or appreciating beauty in nature. Whatever this means to you, taking time for your spiritual well being is incredibly important in keeping your balance.  If you are still searching for the activity that helps you to feel spiritually connected, check out some of the options that we shared in our blog post about mindfulness here:



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