Pain After an Auto Accident

If you have recently been in an auto accident and reside in or around the San Antonio area, there are compelling reasons to consider reaching out to Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness. Pain after an auto accident is often more than a coincidence, and that's where the caring and professional team at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic can make a difference.

While many people are fortunate enough to walk away from auto accidents, they may unknowingly carry undetected, undiagnosed, and unrealized injuries and pain. Unfortunately, these issues might surface later, and at that point, it can be challenging to secure coverage for the rehabilitation and chiropractic services needed.

Dealing with Pain After an Auto Accident?

Are you struggling with joint pains or neck pain? Is back pain or shoulder pain causing you extreme discomfort after an auto accident? If so, consulting with a professional chiropractor is advisable. Many injuries resulting from accidents go unnoticed or undiagnosed, as they may not be physically apparent. The force, suddenness, and unexpected movements during an accident can lead to various structural issues within the body.

The good news is that with the assistance of a skilled chiropractor, these concerns and injuries can be accurately diagnosed. This, in turn, enables insurance companies and agencies like Worker's Comp to more precisely assess damages and benefits.

Contact Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness Today

If you reside in San Antonio and are in search of a chiropractor near you, look no further than Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness. Our team has experience working with insurance and worker's compensation claims and offers the care and chiropractic services you deserve. Contact us to learn more about how we can help, and don't let your injuries after an auto accident go undiagnosed. Take the first step towards recovery with the Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness team today.


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