Common Knee Injuries That Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor

You may not realize how often you use your knees until they're injured. From getting out of bed in the morning, to walking to the other room to driving to work, your knees are instrumental. Any injury or condition that results in knee pain is one to take seriously. Your chiropractor can help reduce knee pain due to the following conditions.


The most common type of knee pain is osteoarthritis, which develops as the cartilage in your joints wears down over time. A chiropractor can't cure this condition, no one can, but their services can help to reduce the symptoms. Lasers and ultrasounds used by chiropractors can help to reduce swelling and pain due to arthritis.

Sudden Traumatic Injury

Whether you've fallen on your knee on an icy patch of sidewalk or twisted it playing your favorite sport, a chiropractor may help you to manage the pain and to improve knee function. Although chiropractors focus on the spine, all joints eventually connect. Patients sometimes seek out chiropractic care because a doctor has failed to provide effective treatment for a knee injury, and the pain still requires better management.

Knee Surgery

Although surgery isn't a knee injury, it is often the result of one. The faster and more completely your knee can heal better. Chiropractic services may help your knee to heal faster, allowing you to return to your daily activities and hobbies more quickly. The gentle stretching performed by a chiropractor can help to ensure your knee retains the range of motion even as it heals.

Chiropractic may help to relieve pain from other knee injuries or conditions, so it's worth inquiring even if you're unsure how it could help. Pain, stiffness, swelling, cracking, swelling, and knee weakness are all conditions that your chiropractor may be able to treat.

Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness is proud to serve patients in the San Antonio area. If you need a chiropractor, call (210) 545-1144 to schedule an appointment.


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