Kids and Chiropractic Care: Why Your Child Should See a Chiropractor

Kids and Chiropractic Care: Why Your Child Should See a Chiropractor

You only want the best for your kid's health. For many parents that means seeking holistic health care. At Dr. Phillips Chiropractic in San Antonio, we treat all members of your family, including your kids. Let's talk about why it's important for your kids to start seeing a chiropractor at a young age. 

Why Chiropractic Care for Children Matters

You might think of chiropractic care as a treatment for adults who are in pain, but holistic health treatment is actually an important part of preventative care for people of all ages. Often, babies are born with spinal misalignments after being curled up in the womb for nearly a year. Trauma can also be associated with the birthing process itself. Chiropractic care for infants can take pressure off the nervous system and help the baby to develop. As kids age, growth spurts, playing sports, even climbing on a playground can easily throw the spine out of alignment. Carrying a heavy backpack can negatively affect your child's back as well. Regular adjustments and posture correction can keep your child out of pain and injury free. Chiropractic care for kids is a safe, effective way to keep your kids feeling healthy and strong as they grow. 

In the event that your child does sustain an injury, chiropractic care is a great treatment choice to allow the child to recover from that injury with fewer residual problems. We believe that your child's body has the to heal itself, and we're here to help that process along. We'll create an individualized treatment plan for your child to set them on the path to healing and recovery. 

Call Our Chiropractor

If you're ready to schedule your child's first chiropractic appointment, Dr. Phillips Chiropractic in San Antonio is here to help. Call our office at (210) 545-1144. If your child has recently sustained an injury, please let our receptionist know when you schedule the appointment so we can get them in to be seen by our chiropractor as soon as possible. We look forward to serving you and your family with premium holistic health care.


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