How To Know if you have a Disc Herniation

A disc herniation is painful and can cause a variety of health problems. Understanding common disc herniation symptoms is essential before you consider making a self-diagnosis. Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio can provide the proper treatment to help you quickly recover from a herniated disc. We have over 30 years of experience in the chiropractor industry. Our goal is to treat the root of the problem without subjecting you to more surgeries or dangerous drugs instead of helping patients recover from a variety of health problems through our proven treatments.

Interested in learning more? Here are a few ways to know if you have a disc herniation.

Arm or Leg Pain

A herniated disc can cause arm or leg pain depending on the place of the injury. Many times you will experience intense pain in your thigh or calf if your herniated disc is located in your lower back. However, you may experience shoulder and arm pain if the herniated disc is near your neck.

Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness is another common sign of a herniated disc. These muscles tend to weaken over time and may make it difficult for you to lift or hold items. Receiving immediate medical attention is the best way to limit the effect of muscle weakness.

Tingling Sensations

Numbness and tingling sensations can also accompany a herniated disc. These sensations usually occur in the nearby nerves that are affected by the herniated disc. These sensations can also get worse over time.

Disc Herniation Symptoms?

Visit Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio!

Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness specialize in helping patients recover from disc herniation. A herniated disc can result in significant pain, such as tingling sensations and muscle weakness. However, you may have no symptoms at all. Trying to self-diagnosis a herniated disc isn't always an easy task, but our experienced professionals can help pinpoint the problem to ensure that you are on the fast-track to recovery. Feel free to make an appointment with our San Antonio chiropractor today by calling (210) 545-1144!


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